What Is Longjing Tea?

Longjing tea, also known as Dragon Well tea, is one of the most famous and highly esteemed tea types in China. It originated in the West Lake region of Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, and it has been cherished for centuries for its delicate flavor, beautiful appearance, and numerous health benefits. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the origins, production process, characteristics, health benefits, and brewing methods of Longjing tea, providing you with valuable insights into this renowned tea.

Origins of Longjing Tea

The history of Longjing tea can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907), making it one of the oldest and most traditional types of Chinese tea. Legend has it that Emperor Qianlong of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1912) was so enamored with the tea that it became an imperial tribute. The tea’s name, Dragon Well, is derived from a popular belief that the shape of the tea leaves resembles the shape of a dragon’s well or the undulating waves of West Lake.

Production Process of Longjing Tea

Longjing tea is mainly produced from the tender, young leaves of the Camellia sinensis plant. To preserve the tea’s high quality, the leaves are picked before the Qingming Festival, which usually falls on April 4th or 5th. The traditional method of processing Longjing tea involves several intricate steps:

1. Harvesting:

Skilled tea farmers meticulously select the young leaf buds, known as “two leaves and a bud,” to ensure the highest quality tea.

2. Withering:

The freshly picked leaves are laid out thinly on bamboo trays or paper and left to wither in the shade. This allows the leaves to lose some moisture, making them more pliable for subsequent steps.

3. Fixation:

The withered leaves are then pan-fired in large woks at high temperatures. This step helps to halt the enzymatic oxidation process and maintain the tea’s vibrant green color.

4. Hand-rolling:

The firing is followed hand-rolling the leaves gently in the hot wok. This technique gives Longjing tea its characteristic flat and slender shape, resembling the appearance of a sparrow’s tongue or a pine needle.

5. Drying:

After rolling, the leaves are dried to remove any remaining moisture and to enhance the tea’s aroma and flavor. This can be done using low-temperature baking or hot air drying methods.

Characteristics of Longjing Tea

Longjing tea is renowned for its distinct characteristics, which contribute to its popularity among tea connoisseurs worldwide. Here are some notable features of this esteemed tea:

1. Appearance:

Longjing tea leaves are typically flat, smooth, and slender, with a vibrant emerald green color. The leaves have a uniform shape and exhibit a distinct downward-pointing tip, resembling the appearance of a sparrow’s tongue.

2. Aroma:

The aroma of Longjing tea is fresh, mellow, and vegetal, with a unique chestnut-like fragrance. This delicate scent is often described as a harmonious combination of orchid, chestnut, and roasted grains.

3. Flavor:

Longjing tea is revered for its refreshing and complex taste. It has a mild, sweet flavor with hints of chestnut and a subtle vegetal undertone. The taste is smooth, with no bitterness or astringency.

4. Liquor:

The brewed tea liquor of Longjing tea is a bright, clear, and pale yellow color. The liquor has a silky texture and a pleasant, lingering aftertaste.

Health Benefits of Longjing Tea

Apart from its delightful taste, Longjing tea is renowned for its numerous health benefits. Here are some of the key advantages of incorporating this tea into your daily routine:

1. Antioxidant Properties:

Longjing tea is rich in catechins, a type of antioxidant that helps neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. These antioxidants have been associated with a reduced risk of chronic diseases, such as heart disease and certain types of cancer.

2. Weight Management:

Longjing tea contains compounds that have been found to aid in weight management boosting metabolism and promoting fat oxidation. Regular consumption of Longjing tea, combined with a balanced diet and exercise, may potentially support weight loss efforts.

3. Digestive Health:

Longjing tea is believed to have soothing properties that can alleviate digestive discomfort, such as indigestion and bloating. It is also thought to stimulate the production of digestive enzymes, aiding in the digestion process.

4. Mental Alertness:

The moderate caffeine content in Longjing tea provides a gentle energy boost and can enhance mental alertness and concentration. It can also help alleviate fatigue and promote a sense of calmness and relaxation.

5. Oral Health:

Longjing tea has natural antibacterial properties that can help prevent the growth of harmful bacteria in the mouth, reducing the risk of cavities and gum disease. It may also contribute to fresher breath and improved oral hygiene.

Brewing Methods for Longjing Tea

To fully appreciate the delicate flavors and aromas of Longjing tea, it is important to brew it correctly. Here are some traditional brewing methods to ensure an exquisite tea-drinking experience:

1. Water Temperature:

Longjing tea is best brewed with water at around 75-80°C (167-176°F). The use of water that is too hot can result in a bitter taste, while cooler water may not fully extract the tea’s flavors.

2. Tea-to-Water Ratio:

The recommended ratio is approximately 2-3 grams of tea leaves per 150ml (5 fl oz) of water. Adjust the amount of tea leaves according to personal preference.

3. Brewing Time:

The infusion time for Longjing tea is usually short, lasting around 1-2 minutes. Steeping the tea for too long can result in a stronger, more bitter taste.

4. Infusion Techniques:

Longjing tea is traditionally brewed using a glass or porcelain teapot or a tall glass. Gently pour the hot water over the tea leaves and let them steep. Admire the leaves as they unfurl and release their flavor into the water. It is common to enjoy multiple infusions from the same batch of leaves, with each infusion offering a slightly different taste profile.

Longjing tea is a revered and beloved Chinese tea variety that has captivated tea enthusiasts for centuries. Its rich cultural heritage, distinct characteristics, and numerous health benefits make it a true treasure in the world of tea. By following the traditional production process and brewing methods, you can savor the exceptional flavors and aromas that Longjing tea offers, providing a truly remarkable tea-drinking experience.