What is Magical Realism?

Magical realism is an art, literature, and performance genre in which fantastic elements are presented in the context of very real scenes and events, often without comment. Although examples can be found in other parts of the world, this artistic genre originated in Latin America. Salvador Dali, Jorge Luis Borges, Gabriel Garcia Marquez, Isabel Allende, Rene Magritte, Jose Saramago, and M.C. Escher are all notable figures in this field.

Some people mix up magical realism and fantasy, but they are two different genres. The very real world that serves as the piece’s framework, rather than the dreamlike, fantastic, or supernatural elements that appear, is the focal point. Magical realism is frequently solemn, and it often includes subtextual commentary on art, culture, and human nature. People may be drawn into an intriguing world and fascinating characters these works, but they are typically far from escapist, forcing readers to confront very real issues and situations.

This genre is characterized paradoxical events that are never fully explained the author, and these events are frequently accepted the characters or figures in the artwork’s world as perfectly normal and in fact usual. For example, in a novel, a ghost may appear, and while the presence of the ghost may be difficult for readers to accept, the characters appear to have no problem accepting the ghost’s existence and actions.

In this genre of art, terrible things frequently occur. Sadism, torture, and murder can be perpetrated a variety of characters, and people are frequently confronted with extremely brutal, sad, or frustrating situations. The resolution of such situations may be imperfect, reflecting the reality of the world, and readers and viewers are frequently uneasy and even disturbed after immersing themselves in this genre. After absorbing an example of this genre, lasting lessons and memories tend to last for years, and viewers or readers may even become haunted a work of art.

The majority of libraries and bookstores have some examples of this genre’s literature, and staff are often happy to make recommendations to people who are unfamiliar with well-known works. Magical realism works of art can be found in galleries and museums, as well as being widely reproduced. Some of the genre’s master artists are well-known for their distinctive, haunting work.