What is Modern Dance?

Modern dance is a style of dance that focuses on the serious expression of inner emotions through a free-flowing, interpretive style rather than the rigid rules that many dance disciplines follow. Modern dance was considered extremely radical and iconoclastic when it first emerged at the turn of the twentieth century; however, over time, it has become more closely mingled with other disciplines such as jazz dance, ballet, and tap, and some dancers work in both modern and classical dance styles, drawing techniques from both.

The turn of the twentieth century was an iconoclastic epoch in which life in Europe and the United States underwent significant changes. The rise of industrialism, the participation of many nations in the First World War, and the rapid transformation of society were all happening at the same time. As the rules of life changed, some dancers began to feel constrained the formal rules of classical ballet, and they began to develop their own free-flowing style of dance, which became known as “modern” dance to distinguish it from classical ballet.

The dancer in a modern dance performance is frequently barefoot or wearing soft shoes. Controlled falls and other interesting interplays of body weight and gravity are common. He or she moves in a free, almost improvisational style. Unlike ballet, which reaches for the stars with leaps and high kicks, this style of dance prefers to stay close to the ground, especially in works influenced psychology and intense emotional states.

Ruth St Denis, Martha Graham, and Isadora Duncan are some of the most well-known names in modern dance. In addition to performances, each of these women developed her own distinct style, choreographing dances that were personal expressions. Some of the dances choreographed these women, as well as new modern compositions and dances composed other prominent performers in the field, are still being created.

Many dance forms began to mix at the end of the twentieth century, rather than remaining strictly separate. A modern dancer with classical training is not uncommon, and dance can be seen in staged productions and films when the artistic vision behind the piece calls for it. Modern dance’s flowing movements and dramatic appearance occasionally cross over to the ballet stage, lending a seriousness to ballet performances.