What Is Pares?

Pares is a term that has its roots in various languages, including Spanish, Swedish, and even Tagalog. Despite the variation in its meaning across different cultures, it predominantly refers to a type of traditional Filipino stew, which is beloved and widely consumed in the Philippines. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the rich history, ingredients, preparation methods, and cultural significance of pares.

Originating from the Spanish word “parecer,” meaning “to resemble,” pares in the Philippines is a reflection of the country’s multicultural heritage. This delicious dish blends Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino influences, resulting in a unique and flavorful culinary experience.

1. The History of Pares:
Pares traces its origins back to the early 20th century when Chinese immigrants settled in the Philippines. These immigrants brought with them their traditional cooking techniques and flavors, which melded with local ingredients and Filipino sensibilities to create pares as we know it today. Over time, pares became a popular and widely available street food, served in small eateries known as “tapsilogan.

2. Ingredients Used in Pares:
The foundation of pares lies in its succulent and tender beef. Typically, beef brisket or shank is used for this dish, as it benefits from long, slow cooking methods. To enhance the flavor of the beef, various spices and seasonings are added, including soy sauce, garlic, star anise, ginger, brown sugar, and oyster sauce. These ingredients contribute to the distinct aroma and taste that make pares so appealing to the senses.

3. Pares Preparation Methods:
Pares can be prepared in different ways, but the most common method involves simmering the beef in a flavor-packed broth until it becomes fork-tender. The spices and seasonings are added during the cooking process, allowing the flavors to meld together and create a harmonious balance. The result is a luscious stew that boasts a savory aroma and a rich, hearty taste. To complement the beef, pares is often served with a side of garlic fried rice, a staple in Filipino cuisine.

4. Significance of Pares in Filipino Culture:
Pares is more than just a dish; it holds a special place in Filipino culture and identity. It is often associated with comfort food, evoking feelings of nostalgia and home-cooked meals. This stew is commonly enjoyed as a satisfying meal during breakfast, lunch, or dinner, and it is a popular choice among locals and tourists alike. Pares has also become a symbol of Filipino resilience and adaptability, showcasing the country’s ability to blend culinary traditions from different cultures into a delicious and harmonious creation.

5. Variations and Regional Adaptations:
While the traditional pares recipe is widely recognized, it’s worth noting that there are regional variations and adaptations of this beloved stew. Some variants may include additional ingredients such as egg or vegetables like bok choy or carrots. These modifications add further depth and nutritional value to the dish, making it more versatile to individual preferences and regional palates.

6. Where to Find and Enjoy Pares:
If you find yourself in the Philippines, you can easily find pares in small neighborhood eateries or food stalls that specialize in classic Filipino cuisine. These establishments, commonly referred to as “tapsilogan” from the combination of “tapa” (beef), “si” (sinangag or garlic fried rice), and “logo” (itlog or egg), serve pares alongside other popular Filipino dishes. The affordability and accessibility of pares make it a popular choice for locals seeking a quick and satisfying meal.

Pares is a delectable Filipino stew borne out of the country’s multicultural influences. This traditional dish showcases the blending of Spanish, Chinese, and Filipino flavors, resulting in a rich and savory culinary creation. Its significance in Filipino culture and its versatility in preparation and regional adaptations make pares a beloved and widely enjoyed dish. Whether you’re a food enthusiast or simply looking to explore the diverse flavors of Filipino cuisine, pares is a must-try dish that promises to tantalize your taste buds and leave you craving more.