What Is Parsley Juice?

Parsley juice is a drinkable fluid made either from the herb’s leaves steeped in water that is then filtered or from the herb’s root. Parsley juice from the root can be made by grinding it manually or with the aid of a juicer. Many people enjoy parsley juice for its health benefits, and different parts of the plant are said to deliver specific benefits. The root, for example, is said to benefit the kidneys and the liver, while the leaves aid in ridding the body of toxins.

Health remedies in Arab countries use a parsley juice mixture that combines chopped leaves, olive oil, lemon juice and some garlic. The mixture is used in a medicinal salad to ward off infections and shore up the immune system, and is believed to help fight fungus and bacteria. Some people use parsley juice in a compress to help clear up eye infections, relying on the herb’s anti-inflammatory properties.

Parsley juice is often prescribed in small doses up to three times daily, and usually it is mixed with another liquid, such as water or carrot juice. The juice needs to be mixed with another liquid to dilute its concentration, because at high concentrations the juice can cause digestive tract upset. The juice has been used to treat kidney stones, settle an upset stomach and increase appetite. Some herbalists also prescribe parsley as a diuretic in cases of edema, and to treat rheumatism and liver and gall bladder troubles.

Parsley’s leaves are also used as a breath freshener, if picked straight from a plant that hasn’t been exposed to any pesticides. In medieval times, parsley was touted as a good way to keep teeth from falling out, and modern herbalists know the parsley worked because of its high amount of vitamin C. A lack of vitamin C leads to scurvy, which causes loose teeth. Parsley juice is a good source of iron, manganese, potassium and calcium, and also provides vitamin A and some B vitamins.

Many people see parsley as only a garnish and ignore its health benefits, throwing it away when a meal is finished. The herb, in addition to its high content of vitamins and minerals, is used to reduce colic and gas, and it also has been used to treat menstrual ailments. A tea made from parsley has a history of treating gallstones. The plant’s leaves have been used to treat such varied maladies as insect bites, contusions and lice.