PEBKAC stands for “problem exists between keyboard and chair” and is a term for user error. This acronym is frequently used by tech support personnel to identify a problem caused by a person, not by the computer’s hardware or software. The term may be used in a humorous and/or derogatory way. It’s sometimes written as PEBCAK (“problem exists between chair and keyboard”).

Fun Facts
The exact origin of PEBKAC is unknown, but it may have been in use as early as the 1970s among IBM technicians.
PEBKAC is referenced in a 1998 entry on the site word-detective.com.
In 2006, Intel advertised its vPro platform in an online marketing campaign based on PEBKAC.
The acronym may be used as a noun: “That last help desk call was a PEBKAC.”
It also works as an adjective: “It’s a PEBKAC situation.”

What Constitutes User Error?

Generally, a user error is a problem that’s caused by the person using the computer, not the machine’s hardware or software. The similar phrase human error has a slightly different meaning; it refers to the reliability (or lack thereof) of human performance due to natural limitations.

In many cases, tech support professionals use slang such as PEBKAC to express their frustration with having to spend time fixing easily avoidable problems. The term may also imply condescension when PEBKAC issues occur due to the user’s incompetence, lack of knowledge, or both. Even the use of an “insider” term such as PEBKAC allows tech experts to subtly ridicule computer novices who aren’t familiar with the acronym.

Many user errors are trivial in nature and have simple solutions, such as rebooting the computer. However, not all user errors have quick and easy answers, even those that are caused by relatively few keystrokes or clicks. In any case, PEBKACs are often time-consuming and tedious to fix, which may be why IT professionals have developed so many slang terms for these problems.

Not all computer-savvy people agree with the condescending view toward user-caused issues. Some IT experts argue that the real problem is the system itself. According to this view, a system that doesn’t account for the user’s natural human limitations is a poorly engineered system. A better system would be designed to help prevent user error and/or reduce the consequences of simple mistakes.

What Are Synonyms of PEBKAC?
There are several PEBKAC synonyms for user error:
PICNIC: “problem in chair, not in computer”
EBKAC: “error between keyboard and chair”
PEBMAC: “problem exists between monitor and chair”
ID10T (also written ID-10-T, ID107, ID-10T, ID-Ten-T, “Ten-T error”): “idiot”
Layer 8 issue: “layer 8” is the user layer in the Open Systems Interconnection computer networking model
IBM error: “idiot behind machine” error

Some IT experts may also refer to user error as carbon-based error or biological interface error. Another version is wetware bug, where “wetware” refers to the biological user as opposed to the computer’s hardware or software. The term luser (“local user”) is another way to refer to an incompentant computer operator, as it’s pronounced “loser.”