What is Penile Trauma?

The term penile trauma covers a range of serious injuries to the penis. Penile fractures and amputations, for example, are considered traumatic injuries. Injuries that involve penetration of the penis, such as stab wounds, may be included as well. Likewise, soft tissue wounds such as burns, skin removal, and bites may also fall under the heading of penile trauma. The treatment methods for trauma of the penis depend on the type of injury.

Penile fracture occurs when the spongy, erectile tissue of the penis ruptures. This can occur after the penis has suffered a blunt-force impact or when it is quickly bent while erect. In some cases, this sort of injury can cause trauma to a man’s urethra, which is the tube that carries urine to the outside of the body, as well.

Another type of penile trauma is amputation of the penis. This sort of injury occurs when the penis is partially or entirely severed. When the penis is completely severed, the urethra is severed as well. In many cases, penile amputation happens accidentally, though it can also occur as part of a violent attack. In some cases, however, men inflict this type of wound on themselves. For example, a mentally ill person may feel that his penis does not belong to him and decide to cut it off or amputate it because he believes it is harming him in some way.

Sometimes a man will suffer a penetrating injury to the penis. This may occur, for example, if a man is stabbed in the genitals, hit by shrapnel, or shot in the penis. This sort of injury may be more likely to result during a wartime battle than during the course of daily living. It is possible, however, for a person to accidentally poke himself with a knife while preparing food or stick himself in the penis with a very sharp pencil.

Soft tissue injuries to the penis are also considered penile trauma. For example, if a man suffers an animal bite in the area or burns himself on the genitals, this may be considered a traumatic injury. Another example of penile trauma is degloving, which occurs when a significant amount of skin is torn off the penis.

Treatment for penile trauma can be complicated, especially when the urethra had been injured as well. Surgery is often used to restore the penis to its normal state. Doctors typically administer antibiotics as well in order to prevent infection.