What is Perinatology?

Perinatology is a subspecialty of obstetrics that focuses on the crucial period just before and after birth. When a pregnancy is considered high risk, a perinatologist is consulted. These specialists typically work in a hospital setting, providing medical and surgical care to expectant mothers and babies, and they may collaborate with genetic counselors, regular obstetricians, and other medical specialists to provide additional support.

Maternal-fetal medicine is another name for this field. A perinatologist can perform genetic tests and other exams prior to birth to assess the fetus’s health and predict the risk of complications. He or she can also manage a pregnancy that is considered high risk, such as a multiple pregnancy or a pregnancy in which the mother has a chronic illness or is of advanced age. The goal of the perinatologist is to make sure the pregnancy goes as smoothly as possible.

These medical professionals can also assist with labor and delivery. Perinatology encompasses traditional vaginal delivery, interventional c-sections, and other procedures that can be used to make the labor and delivery process safer for both the mother and the baby. After the baby is born, a perinatologist will examine him or her and make treatment recommendations, which may include medication or surgery to correct congenital birth defects.

Perinatologists begin their careers in an obstetrics and gynecology residency program before focusing on the perinatal period, which is defined as the time between five months before delivery and one month after birth. Perinatology necessitates a thorough understanding of fetal development and the numerous complications that can arise, as well as obstetrics and surgical skills.

When a woman is pregnant with a high-risk pregnancy, she is usually referred to a perinatologist. This ensures the best possible medical care for both the mother and the developing fetus, including early intervention for emerging medical problems and the expertise of a skilled physician who can address specific concerns and issues. A perinatologist may be a member of the medical team assisting with infertility treatment.

Working with a perinatologist can help you have a better chance of having a healthy baby in a high-risk pregnancy, but there are no guarantees. Pregnancy is complicated, and a variety of conditions and random events can affect a pregnancy’s outcome, making it impossible to predict how things will pan out.