What is Podcast Software?

Podcast software allows users to record, edit and publish audio online. It goes beyond what average audio programs do by allowing users advanced options in the areas of creating, editing and publishing audio. While, at one time, podcasting was only attempted by the most advanced computer users, now simple software exists that allows the average computer user to partake in podcasting.

Audio recording capability is usually at the forefront of a podcast software user’s mind. Luckily, users are usually given the option to record using more than just a computer’s microphone. Sound cards, CDs and Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) can all help to provide the audio necessary to create a unique podcast.

After a user has recorded material for a podcast, the material itself is rarely in publishable form. Like with average audio software, users of podcast software can use tools to cut out audio segments. However, with podcast software, users can also add special audio effects, mix and split tracks and convert audio formats.

Probably the most significant aspect of podcast software is its publishing capability. Podcasting software is designed for publishing and thus has the tools to make publishing audio straightforward and user-friendly. Users can create RSS feeds and add descriptions and tags to their podcasts so that they can be easily organized and found by potential listeners. Typically, after the first podcast has been uploaded to a blog, website or podcast directory, succeeding podcasts are even easier to upload, especially if the software comes with plug-ins compatible with popular blogs or websites.

Free podcast software is readily available on the Internet and can be found for all platforms. However, you can reduce the hassle of learning how to operate podcast software, depending on what you want to accomplish with it. For example, if you simply want to upload conversations that take place over the phone, you can pick software that does just that. If you want more professionalism with your podcast delivery and desire control over many minor aspects of the presentation, as in with lengthy interviews, you may want to consider using advanced software.

First-time podcasters should look for especially intuitive options in potential software. The more intuitive a software package is, the more successful a user is likely to be when using the software for the first time. Examples of intuitive podcasting software includes those that have options for dragging and dropping and right-click editing.