What is Raclette Cheese?

Raclette cheese is a delicious and flavorful cheese that originates from the Alpine region of Switzerland, France, and Germany. It is a semi-hard cheese with a rich and creamy texture, and it is known for its distinctive melting properties. Raclette cheese is often used in traditional Swiss and French dishes, specifically in the popular dish called raclette, where the cheese is melted and scraped onto various accompaniments. In this detailed explanation, we will explore the origins, production process, flavor profile, uses, and some interesting facts about Raclette cheese.

Origins of Raclette Cheese:

Raclette cheese has a long history that can be traced back to the Alpine regions of Switzerland, France, and Germany. It is believed to have been consumed the ancient Swiss shepherds who would spend their summers in the mountains, tending to their flocks. The word “raclette” originates from the French word “racler,” which means “to scrape.

” This refers to the traditional method of melting the cheese and scraping it onto plates or bread.

Production Process:

To make Raclette cheese, a combination of cow’s milk is used, including milk from Alpine or Swiss cows. The process begins with the curdling of the milk adding rennet. Once the curds form, they are cut into small pieces and then heated in a vat under controlled conditions. This allows the whey to be released while retaining the curds.

The curds are then molded into large blocks and pressed to remove any excess whey. After being pressed, the cheese wheels are aged for several months, during which they develop their unique flavor and texture. The aging process can range from a minimum of three months to up to a year, depending on the desired flavor profile.

Once the aging is complete, the Raclette cheese wheels are ready to be enjoyed. The traditional method of melting the cheese involves heating the wheel and scraping the melted layer onto plates or bread. However, modern methods of melting Raclette cheese involve using special Raclette grills or melter devices.

Flavor Profile:

Raclette cheese is renowned for its distinct flavor profile. It offers a smooth, creamy, and slightly nutty taste with a subtle hint of sweetness. The texture of Raclette cheese is smooth and pliable, making it ideal for melting. When melted, the cheese becomes even creamier and develops a slightly salty and savory flavor that is deeply satisfying. The aging process adds complexity and depth, enhancing its overall taste.


Raclette cheese is incredibly versatile and can be used in a variety of dishes. Its ability to melt evenly and smoothly makes it an excellent choice for fondues, gratins, and pizza toppings. The traditional raclette dish involves scraping the melted cheese onto boiled potatoes, pickles, cured meats, and bread. This combination of flavors and textures creates a harmonious and indulgent culinary experience.

Outside of traditional dishes, Raclette cheese can also be incorporated into sandwiches, omelets, and quiches, adding a creamy and flavorful twist to these classic recipes. It pairs exceptionally well with cured meats, such as prosciutto, and complements the robust flavors of roasted vegetables.

Interesting Facts:

1. In Switzerland, Raclette cheese is a popular choice for winter gatherings and festive occasions. It is often enjoyed with friends and family, accompanied good wine and lively conversations.

2. The term “Raclette” not only refers to the cheese itself but also to the method of melting and serving the cheese. The cheese is typically melted using special Raclette machines or grills with individual trays for each guest.

3. Raclette cheese has gained popularity worldwide and is now produced in countries such as the United States, Canada, and Australia. However, the traditional Swiss and French varieties continue to be highly regarded for their authentic taste and quality.

4. The phrase “meltingly delicious” is often used to describe Raclette cheese due to its unique melting properties. It has a low melting point, allowing it to melt smoothly without separating or becoming greasy.


Raclette cheese is a delectable and versatile cheese that has been enjoyed for centuries. Its origins in the Alpine regions of Switzerland, France, and Germany highlight its deep-rooted cultural significance. With its creamy texture, distinctive flavor profile, and excellent melting capabilities, Raclette cheese adds a delightful touch to various dishes. Whether enjoyed in the traditional raclette meal or incorporated into modern recipes, Raclette cheese is sure to satisfy any cheese lover’s palate. So, gather your loved ones, prepare the accompaniments, and indulge in the luxurious experience of Raclette cheese, a true culinary delight.