What Is Ribbon Weaving?

Ribbon weaving is a craft technique that intertwines ribbons. The intertwining of the ribbons are often used for creating embellishments on clothing. For example, weaving the ribbons together is a technique that can be used to add a pocket to a shirt, dress or other garment. It can also be used as embellishments on other types of projects or as a stand-alone craft project.

In terms of a craft, ribbon weaving is very similar to weaving potholders or weaving baskets. The primary difference is the material used to create the weaving. Where potholders may use cotton fabrics for weaving and baskets typically use a rattan or wooden material, ribbon weaving uses ribbon material to make the creation.

Weaving with ribbons tends to be hand craft. Using various strips of ribbon, the crafter weaves the ribbon pieces over and under the other strips of ribbon. Ribbon weaving entails creating both vertical and horizontal weaves. While it is a hand craft, some manufacturers have looms or machines that weave ribbons for large-scale manufacturing projects, such as a garment company.

Some crafters turn their weavings into other forms of projects. For example, by covering wire forms or other molds, crafters can create a ribbon-weaved statue as décor. Craft glues and glazes can also be used to stiffen the weaving creations so that they can be molded into decorative pieces, such as baskets, trivets and more.

There are endless possibilities in what a weaver can create with weaved ribbons. Numerous online websites offer patterns that can be printed out or specific instructions on how to make specific creations out of ribbon weaving. For example, instructions are available on how to cover the handle of a bridal bouquet using a ribbon weaving technique.

Ribbon weaving creations use various materials of ribbon. Some projects use silk ribbons, while others use chiffon ribbons or plastic ribbons. The width of the ribbons used in these projects can also vary, from skinny width ribbons to the widest ribbon available.

These projects may involve intertwining ribbons that are all the same color, or may involve two or more colors. Some weavers even use ribbons with a preprinted design on the ribbon to create decorative creations. Smooth ribbons, ribbed ribbons, metallic ribbons and ribbons with designs are all options for ribbon weaving projects.