What Is Skimmed Milk Powder?

Skimmed milk powder is a widely used dairy product that has gained popularity due to its long shelf life, ease of use, and versatility in various applications. It is a valuable ingredient that is widely utilized in the food and beverage industry, as well as in domestic kitchens.

What Is Skimmed Milk Powder?

Skimmed milk powder, also known as non-fat dry milk or powdered skim milk, is a dairy product that is obtained evaporating the water content from skim milk. This process helps in reducing the moisture content of the milk while retaining its valuable nutrients. The result is a fine, powdery substance with a creamy white color.

The production of skimmed milk powder involves several steps. First, fresh milk undergoes the process of separation, where the cream and skim milk are separated. The skim milk, which contains a minimal amount of fat, is then pasteurized to eliminate any harmful bacteria. After pasteurization, the milk is condensed using an evaporator, which removes the water content and dehydrates the milk. The dried milk is then pulverized to create the powdered form.

Skimmed milk powder has a significantly lower fat content compared to whole milk or full-cream milk. While the exact fat content may vary depending on the specific product, skimmed milk powder typically contains less than 1% fat. This makes it a popular choice for individuals who are watching their fat intake or following a low-fat diet.

Benefits and Nutritional Profile

Skimmed milk powder offers several benefits and provides a wide range of essential nutrients. Let’s explore its nutritional profile and the benefits it offers:

1. Protein:

Skimmed milk powder is a rich source of high-quality proteins. It contains all the essential amino acids required the body for proper growth, repair, and maintenance of tissues. Protein is crucial for muscle development, immune system function, and overall health.

2. Vitamins and Minerals:

Skimmed milk powder also contains a variety of vitamins and minerals that are essential for maintaining good health. It is a good source of calcium, which is vital for strong bones and teeth. Additionally, it contains vitamins A, D, B2 (riboflavin), and B12, which play crucial roles in various bodily functions.

3. Low Fat Content:

As mentioned earlier, one of the main advantages of skimmed milk powder is its low fat content. This makes it an excellent choice for individuals aiming to maintain or reduce their body fat levels. It can be incorporated into a balanced diet without significantly increasing calorie intake.

4. Long Shelf Life:

Skimmed milk powder has an extended shelf life compared to liquid milk. It can be stored for several months without refrigeration, making it a convenient option for areas with limited access to fresh milk. It is also popular among travelers or outdoor enthusiasts who require a lightweight and long-lasting source of dairy.

Culinary Uses of Skimmed Milk Powder

Skimmed milk powder finds numerous applications in the culinary world due to its versatility and convenience. Here are some common ways it is used:

1. Baking:

Skimmed milk powder can be used as a substitute for liquid milk in baking recipes. It adds moisture, enhances texture, and provides a rich dairy flavor to cakes, cookies, bread, and other baked goods.

2. Beverages:

Skimmed milk powder can be reconstituted with water to create a nutritious and delicious glass of milk. It can also be used as a base for various hot or cold beverages like coffee, tea, milkshakes, smoothies, and hot chocolate.

3. Cooking:

Skimmed milk powder can be a valuable ingredient in savory recipes as well. It can be added to soups, sauces, and creamy dishes to thicken and enrich the texture without adding excessive fat.

4. Dairy Products:

Skimmed milk powder can be used for producing a variety of dairy products such as yogurt, cheese, and ice cream. It acts as a stabilizer and helps improve the texture and consistency of these products.

Storage and Usage Recommendations

To ensure the quality and longevity of skimmed milk powder, proper storage is necessary. It should be kept in a cool, dry place away from direct sunlight and strong odors. Once the package is opened, it is recommended to transfer the powder into an airtight container to prevent moisture absorption.

Skimmed milk powder can be reconstituted mixing it with an appropriate amount of water. The general guideline is to mix 1 part skimmed milk powder with 4 parts water, although this ratio can be adjusted based on personal preference. It is important to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the specific product being used.

In addition to its culinary uses, skimmed milk powder can also be incorporated into various nutritional supplements, fortified foods, and infant formulas. It serves as a valuable source of nutrients in situations where access to fresh milk is limited.


Skimmed milk powder is a valuable dairy product that offers a range of benefits and uses. Its low fat content, long shelf life, and nutritional density make it a popular choice for both domestic and commercial applications. From baking and cooking to reconstituting as a nutritious beverage, skimmed milk powder proves to be a versatile ingredient that adds flavor, texture, and nutritional value to various recipes. Whether you are looking to reduce fat intake, extend the shelf life of dairy products, or incorporate essential nutrients into your diet, skimmed milk powder is an excellent option to consider.