The socket 479 is an Intel central processing unit (CPU) integration socket that allows the motherboard and CPU to work hand-in-hand to perform functions. Most sockets have a number after them to signify how many pins are on the socket and CPU, which would lead many to believe that this socket and CPU both have 479 pins, but this CPU really has 478. It is named 479 to differentiate it from the socket 478, which is used for desktop computers; the 479 connector is used for mobile platforms. Socket 478 CPUs can fit into the 479 connector, but they will not electronically configure or work with this socket.
Socket 479 is a microprocessor socket, meaning it is made for CPUs that do not fit into desktops, namely mobile computers and laptops. Created in 2001, this socket has many different microprocessors made under its design. There are the Pentium 3-M, mobile Celeron, Coppermine-T and Tualatin CPUs all made for this socket.
There are 479 pinholes in the socket 479 connector. What is odd about this socket is that, normally, CPUs have the same amount of pins as the socket, but the CPUs that fit this socket have only 478 pins. This was done to differentiate the socket from the socket 478, which was made at the same time for desktop computers. Socket 478 CPUs can fit the 479 connector, but they will not work because the electronic and pin configuration is different. The amount of pins means many CPUs made after this socket can fit the 479 connector, but they also will not work.
To tell the difference between a socket 478 and socket 479 processor — because the CPUs looks relatively the same — looking at the pin configuration will be of assistance. Both CPUs have 478 pins, but the pin configuration is different in the bottom right corner. The 478 CPUs are missing two pin spaces directly next to each other, while the 479 CPUs are missing two pin spaces diagonal to each other. This pin configuration is one reason why 478 CPUs do not work with the 479 socket.
The minimum and maximum processing speed of the socket 479 presents a wider gap than most other sockets. The low processing value is at 700 megahertz (MHz), and it can go all the way up to 2,333 MHz. The higher value was not utilized well until 2006, late in the 479 socket’s career, just before it was phased out for more advanced sockets.