What is Spiritual Ascension?

Spiritual ascension happens when a person progresses in spirituality in order to become more evolved. These people become more aware of their surroundings and start to learn how to co-exist with people as well as the earth. It is not necessarily a religious experience but it is more of an awakening. A spiritual ascension can be the result of a life-changing event or arise from seeking and gaining knowledge. The word ascension in this case refers to returning to home.

Many people who seek spiritual ascension believe that the earth is vibrating with energy that produces heat. Some believer this heat accounts for global warming because it is the earth’s way of going back home or renewing and refreshing itself. These same people also believe that the spiritual ascension of people should change right along with the planet. When there is a healthy co-existence with the earth, a person can then begin to see positive results within themselves.

When spiritual ascension happens, the soul moves closer to the spiritual aspects of life instead of focusing on earthly matters. For example, someone may feel bad about not having a lot of material possessions but after a spiritual ascension, they might realize that they are lucky to have family members who love them. They may also appreciate other things like being healthy or knowing themselves better. Spiritual ascension can also cause people to react differently to problems that can occur on a daily basis.

Stressful or emotion situations can be reduced by spiritual ascension and this typically happens when the person who becomes more aware starts to realize that there is more than one way to approach a problem. By learning to adjust to or conquer problems, confidence and self esteem levels are boosted. This can also help to eliminate fears of failure when attempting to try new things. Spiritual ascension can help a person to embrace change and accept it instead of resisting it.

The wonders and beauty of nature can be ignored when a person is too busy to notice them. Ascension consists of becoming more aware, which includes being aware of nature and familiar surroundings. Unusual plants and colorful flowers as well as a beautiful sunrise can have a completely different effect on a person who is spiritually aware. They may even begin to enjoy certain plants or animals that they previously had no interest in.