What Is Stop Motion Animation?

Stop motion animation is a filmmaking technique that involves creating a moving image from a series of still photographs or images. The method entails the use of fixed objects that are held in place and then photographed with a camera. After that, the objects are moved slightly and a new photograph is taken. When all of the photos are strung together, it gives the impression that the stationary objects are moving. Stop motion animation can be made with a wide range of objects, including people, though clay puppets are a popular choice due to their ease of manipulation during the filming process.

Because the objects must be manipulated hand between each photograph, the process of creating a stop motion animation film can be tedious and time-consuming. There will be a lot of photos taken, and each one will be slightly different. As more photos with slight movements are taken, the finished movements will appear smoother when strung together. Because the objects may need to be manipulated in more than one way between each frame shot, this style of animation often necessitates a lot of patience and a keen eye for detail.

The goal of stop motion animation was to make objects appear to move on their own; the technique dates back to the late 1800s, and it became a popular animation technique over the next century. Other animation techniques, which were faster, easier, and more aesthetically pleasing, became more popular toward the end of the twentieth century, and stop motion animation fell out of favor. It is still a popular animation technique that has seen a resurgence in the early twenty-first century, though it is still seen as a time-consuming and difficult process that larger studios avoid in order to save time and money.

Computer generated imaging has become a more popular alternative to stop motion animation (CGI). Objects are created and manipulated in a computer program, resulting in smooth movement that is impossible to achieve with stop motion. CGI is used in the majority of modern animation, despite purists’ claims that it cannot achieve the same natural look or nuanced textures as stop motion. Stop motion animation has also become more streamlined, with the use of more advanced puppets and digital cameras reducing the amount of time required to complete a film.