What Is Structural Kinesiology?

Structural kinesiology is a field of study that explores the mechanics and movement of the human body. It encompasses the analysis of the skeletal system, muscles, joints, and their interactions during physical activities. By understanding the structural components of the body and how they function, professionals in this field can assess and analyze movement patterns, identify imbalances or dysfunctions, and develop effective rehabilitation or training programs.

The study of structural kinesiology is crucial for various professionals, including physical therapists, athletic trainers, biomechanists, exercise physiologists, coaches, and sports scientists. They utilize this knowledge to enhance human performance, prevent injuries, and facilitate the recovery process. In this comprehensive guide, we will delve into the intricacies of structural kinesiology, covering fundamental concepts, key components, and practical applications.

At its core, structural kinesiology focuses on four key elements:

bones, muscles, joints, and connective tissues. The skeletal system serves as the framework of the body, providing support, protection, and leverage for movement. It is comprised of 206 bones that are categorized into five types:

long bones (such as the femur and humerus), short bones (such as the wrist and ankle bones), flat bones (such as the scapula and sternum), irregular bones (such as the vertebrae and pelvis), and sesamoid bones (such as the patella).

Muscles, which constitute a significant part of the body’s mass, play a crucial role in generating and controlling movement. They are responsible for producing the forces necessary for various activities, whether it’s walking, lifting weights, or throwing a ball. Muscles are classified into three types:

skeletal, cardiac, and smooth muscles. Skeletal muscles are attached to bones tendons and are responsible for voluntary movements. Cardiac muscles are found in the heart and are responsible for its rhythmic contractions. Smooth muscles are located in the walls of organs and vessels, facilitating involuntary movements.

Joints are another essential component of structural kinesiology. They connect bones and allow movements, providing stability and flexibility to the body. Joints can be classified into three main types:

synarthrosis (immobile joints, such as those between the bones of the skull), amphiarthrosis (slightly movable joints, such as those between the vertebrae), and diarthrosis (freely movable joints, such as the hip and shoulder joints). Diarthrosis joints are further categorized into six different types based on their structural characteristics and range of movement:

pivot, hinge, condyloid, saddle, plane, and ball-and-socket joints.

Connective tissues, like tendons and ligaments, are essential for ensuring the integrity and stability of the musculoskeletal system. Tendons connect muscles to bones, transmitting forces generated during muscle contractions. Ligaments, on the other hand, connect bones to other bones, offering support and limiting excessive movements. Both tendons and ligaments are composed of dense collagen fibers, which provide strength and flexibility.

To comprehend movement and analyze its mechanics, structural kinesiology utilizes several key principles. The first principle is the concept of anatomical position, which serves as a reference point for describing the location or direction of body structures. In the anatomical position, the body is upright, facing forward, with the arms the sides and the palms facing forward.

Another crucial principle is understanding planes and axes of movement. There are three primary anatomical planes:

sagittal, frontal, and transverse. The sagittal plane divides the body into left and right halves, the frontal plane separates the body into front and back portions, and the transverse plane divides the body into top and bottom sections. These planes intersect at imaginary axes:

the sagittal axis, frontal axis, and vertical axis, respectively.

Movement in the sagittal plane occurs around the frontal axis and includes flexion (decreasing the joint angle), extension (increasing the joint angle), and hyperextension (excessive extension beyond the normal range). The frontal plane movement occurs around the sagittal axis and involves abduction (moving away from the midline of the body), adduction (moving toward the midline), and lateral flexion (sideways bending). Lastly, movement in the transverse plane occurs around the vertical axis and includes rotation (twisting or turning) and pronation/supination (rotation of the forearm, with the palm facing down or up, respectively).

Understanding these principles allows professionals in structural kinesiology to evaluate and analyze movement patterns, identify abnormalities, and design appropriate interventions. They can assess joint range of motion, muscle imbalances, compensatory movements, and faulty mechanics that may lead to injuries or impair performance.

In addition to the structural components and principles, structural kinesiology also explores various concepts related to human movement. Some of these concepts include force production, levers, muscle actions, and neuromuscular control. Force production refers to the generation of forces within muscles to produce movement. The strength and power of the muscles, along with their coordination, determine the efficiency and effectiveness of force production.

The lever system within the body determines the mechanical advantage or efficiency of movement. There are three types of levers:

first-class, second-class, and third-class levers. First-class levers have the fulcrum located between the effort and the resistance, second-class levers have the resistance between the fulcrum and the effort, and third-class levers have the effort between the resistance and the fulcrum. Understanding lever systems is crucial for optimizing movement efficiency and minimizing the energy required for specific actions.

Muscle actions are classified into four categories:

concentric, eccentric, isometric, and isotonic contractions. Concentric contractions occur when muscles shorten while generating force, eccentric contractions occur when muscles lengthen while generating force, isometric contractions occur when there is no change in muscle length but force is generated, and isotonic contractions involve a constant tension throughout the muscle.

Neuromuscular control refers to the complex interaction between the nervous system and muscles during movement. It involves the coordination of muscular actions, motor unit recruitment, proprioception (the body’s ability to perceive its position in space), and feedback mechanisms to ensure smooth and efficient movement execution.

The practical applications of structural kinesiology are vast and extend to various fields. Physical therapists utilize their knowledge of structural kinesiology to evaluate patients, design rehabilitation programs, and guide them through the recovery process. They assess movement dysfunction, muscle imbalances, joint limitations, and design exercises and interventions to restore optimal function and reduce pain.

Athletic trainers incorporate structural kinesiology principles to prevent and manage sports-related injuries. They assess athletes’ movement patterns, identify areas of weakness or vulnerability, and develop injury prevention programs. By understanding biomechanics and the principles of structural kinesiology, they can educate athletes on proper techniques, enhance performance, and reduce the risk of injuries.

Biomechanists apply their expertise in structural kinesiology to analyze and study movement patterns. They use advanced technology and motion analysis techniques to quantify and evaluate forces, joint angles, muscle activations, and other variables related to movement mechanics. Their research contributes to the development of improved techniques, equipment design, and performance enhancement strategies.

Furthermore, exercise physiologists and coaches incorporate structural kinesiology principles in designing and implementing training programs. They evaluate athletes’ movement patterns, assess muscle imbalances, and develop individualized plans to improve performance, prevent injuries, and enhance overall fitness. By understanding the biomechanics of various exercises and movements, they can optimize training protocols and help individuals achieve their goals more efficiently.

Structural kinesiology is a multidisciplinary field that plays a crucial role in understanding and analyzing human movement. By examining the skeletal system, muscles, joints, and connective tissues, professionals in this field can assess movement patterns, identify dysfunctions, and develop effective interventions. Through the knowledge of anatomical position, planes, axes, force production, muscle actions, and neuromuscular control, experts in structural kinesiology can enhance performance, prevent injuries, and optimize human movement. The practical applications of structural kinesiology extend to fields such as physical therapy, athletic training, biomechanics, exercise physiology, and coaching, where professionals utilize this knowledge to improve individuals’ well-being, functional capacity, and overall performance. With further research and advancements in technology, the understanding of structural kinesiology will continue to evolve, leading to better insights into human movement and its optimization.