What is Syzygium Jambolanum?

Syzygium jambolanum is a homeopathic remedy made from the poisonous seeds of the Syzygium jambos Alston tree. Homeopathic doctors use Syzygium jambolanum primarily to treat diabetes mellitus. To create this homeopathic remedy, seeds are crushed into a powder and diluted multiple times with lactose powder, distilled water, or alcohol. The substance is ordinarily free of side effects, but some people report that Syzygium jambolanum is so powerful that hypoglycemia may occur if blood sugar levels are not carefully monitored. There is quite a bit of anecdotal evidence reporting the effectiveness of this medication; very little scientific research is available, however, to support these anecdotal claims.

The Syzygium jambos Alston tree grows on almost every continent. It is a member of the myrtle family and is also known as the rose apple tree. This tree can reach heights of up to 40 feet (12 meters). It produces creamy or greenish white flowers that grow in clusters of four or five. The fruit has a thin, smooth pale yellow or white skin, rose-scented flesh, and one to four hard brown seeds.

The patient for whom Syzygium jambolanum is likely to work may complain of extreme thirst, weakness, and urinary frequency. In addition, the patient may have small, itchy, red pimple-like sores on the upper body or unhealed diabetic ulcerations.

Although the fruit and bark are used in other forms of traditional medicine, in homeopathy the seeds are used to make Syzygium jambolanum. The resulting finely-powdered seed is combined with lactose powder, distilled water, or alcohol, and made into pellets or a tincture. The process of dilution is repeated over and over until no molecules of the original seeds remain and there is no chance of being poisoned.

The remedy is available in pellets or as a tincture. Pellet potencies are 3x, 30c, 200c, 1m, 10m, and CM. Lower potencies are considered stronger than higher potencies. Dosage is usually three to five pellets taken three or four times per day. The pills should be allowed to dissolve under the tongue at least 30 minutes before or after any food or drink.

The tincture comes in potencies of 1x and 3x. The typical beginning tincture dose is 10 drops taken two to five times a day. This may be increased gradually up to 40 drops. The drops may be mixed with water or taken straight from the bottle. The 1x potency is known as a mother tincture and may only be available from a homeopathic physician.

Those taking Syzygium jambolanum report that their blood sugar levels quickly normalized. Some people caution, however, that blood sugar should be watched carefully. This is because Syzygium acts differently in each person, and hypoglycemia may quickly set in if too much is ingested. Aside from this anecdotal evidence, it appears that there is no double-blind clinical research into the effectiveness of Syzygium jambolanum for diabetes.