What is the Best Way to Apply for Jobs?

Filling out an application or quickly e-mailing your resume might seem like an easy way to apply for jobs, but in reality, you need to make yourself stand out when compared to everyone else who e-mailed their resume. If you’ve been having difficulty finding a job, you might want to take a different approach. There are a few relatively easy ways to make yourself stand out above everyone else. Among these are making sure your resume is clear and error-free, tailoring your resume and cover letter to the job, and following up with the company after you apply.

The first thing you need to do before you apply for jobs is to create a resume. The resume should be simple, kept to around one or two pages, neat, easy to read, and with absolutely no mistakes. Grammar and spelling should be perfect, and you should succinctly highlight your skills and responsibilities.

If possible, tailor your skills and responsibilities to the current job you are applying for to illustrate how you will best fit in with the company. Do not try to make the resume “cute” or funny — just be professional when you apply for jobs. In addition to the resume, you will also need to create a cover letter, even if the company does not require one.

Again, your cover letter needs to be grammatically perfect, with no spelling mistakes. The letter should be written in a professional manner. In the letter, if you feel it necessary, you can go into more detail about the information found in your resume, but do not simply rehash what is already written there. Instead, detail how you will fit into the company, the expertise you will bring, and why your experience makes you a good fit for the job. This not only illustrates that you are a motivated person, but also that you have researched the company and know what you are applying for, not just sending out a mass resume. It is very important to tailor the cover letter to the job.

In the cover letter, you can also mention how you will follow up with the company. You might mention that you will call in one week to discuss the resume and answer any questions the employer might have. If you then receive an interview, it is important to dress professionally and, of course, arrive a few minutes early. Bring an extra copy of your resume and prepare a few questions about the company or the position. When you apply for jobs, it is important to remember that you are selling yourself and convincing the company that you will be a great member of the team.

After the interview, sending a brief thank you note may help you to stand out from any other interviewees. If you do not get the job, don’t get discouraged. It is difficult to apply for jobs, but you will eventually find one that is a perfect fit.