What is the Coconut Diet?

The Coconut Diet™ is a low-carb diet that revolves around the use of coconut oil to lose weight and alleviate common health problems. The creators of this diet plan state that coconuts contain special fats that are beneficial to health. They explain that people in tropical areas who consume large amounts of coconuts are rarely overweight and do not suffer from many of the diseases that plague people in the Western world.

The Coconut Diet™ uses coconut oil as a replacement for trans fats found in most vegetable oil. Coconut oil possesses medium-chain fatty acids or medium-chain triglycerides (MCTs). In contrast, vegetable oil contains long-chain fatty acids or long-chain triglycerides (LCTs). LCTs cause the body to produce fat, while MCTs promote a process called thermogenesis. Thermogenesis increases the body’s metabolism and promotes a higher energy level.

Authors of the Coconut Diet™ say that virgin coconut oil can promote weight loss, increase metabolism, assist sluggish thyroids, improve energy level, and eliminate Candida and yeast infections. They say it can also improve a person’s cholesterol level, help skin infections, improve digestion, and kill viruses. These claims make some dieters decide to purchase the book based on this controversial diet plan.

The Coconut Diet™ consists of four phases. If followed correctly, the plan states that dieters can lose weight, improve their health, and enjoy a better quality of life. The first phase of the diet is a 21-day weight loss kickoff. Dieters eat three meals and one or two snacks throughout the day.

The meals consist of lean protein and vegetables. Dieters are required to avoid foods such as bread, sweets, and fruits. Although this initial jump-start lasts for 21 days, creators of the program state that dieters can lose 10 pounds during this length of time.

Phase two involves a cleansing process. Dieters drink fluids made from vegetables and fiber. This particular phase of the diet cleanses the internal organs. The plan recommends the use of a colon cleanser as well. Some dieters may hesitate to take a colon cleanser since opinions differ over the benefits of doing so.

The third phase of the Coconut Diet™ involves an introduction of healthy carbohydrates. At the beginning of the diet, carbohydrates are strictly prohibited. Phase three allows dieters to add whole grains, some fruits, and a few starchy vegetables to their daily diet.

The last phase of the Coconut Diet™ is a maintenance segment. This final phase of the diet plan helps to maintain weight loss after the dieter has reached his goal weight. Despite this fact, the dieter is encouraged to continue avoiding alcohol, sweets, and some fruits.

During the entire Coconut Diet™, dieters are required to consume two to three tablespoons of coconut oil each day. They are advised to add it to sauces, salad dressings, and smoothies. The goal is to incorporate the oil in their foods on a daily basis, essentially making it a way of life. In addition to the diet plan, people are encouraged to exercise at least 15 minutes each day.

Following this particular diet is a personal decision that each person must make regarding whether or not it is right for him. The advantages to the diet include the fact that dieters are instructed to eat fruits and vegetables. They are also allowed to eat protein in this particular diet. The plan may help those with sluggish thyroids, chronic fatigue syndrome, and viral infections.

One disadvantage to following the diet is the fact that it is rather restrictive. This may make it more difficult for dieters to dine out at restaurants since meals must be prepared in a specific way. The recipes included in the diet book may also take a great deal of time to prepare. If a dieter is interested in learning more information, he can read the book titled The Coconut Diet™ written by Cherie and John Calbom.