What Is the Connection between Pregnancy and Dandruff?

Pregnancy and dandruff go hand in hand for some women, to their dismay. Rather than experiencing the expected glow of pregnancy, they discover that their skin has become uncomfortably dry, thanks to normal hormonal fluctuations prompted by pregnancy. This condition also extends to the scalp, and a dry scalp can lead to flakes and dandruff. The relationship between pregnancy and dandruff, although normal, doesn’t have to ruin the pregnancy experience. Certain dandruff shampoos can help, although some dandruff shampoos on the market should be avoided while a woman is pregnant because of worries over effects on the developing fetus.

Dandruff shampoos that contain the active ingredient selenium sulfide are considered safe for use on the scalp by pregnant women. Use of selenium sulfide on other parts of the body, however, is discouraged because the body can absorb the ingredient through the skin. Thought to be generally safe, selenium sulfide does have side effects, including skin oiliness and dryness, as well as irritation. The use of these types of shampoos can be continued after worries over pregnancy and dandruff have faded, because there have been no reports of medical concerns with regard to breastfeeding.

Experts recommend that women who are concerned with pregnancy and dandruff problems avoid coal tar, which is contained in some dandruff shampoos. Pregnant women also should avoid applying a coal tar product or medication to the skin for the treatment of psoriasis. No studies on coal tar and pregnancy have been performed, but coal tar is known to adversely affect cellular turnover.

Pyrithione zinc is a popular dandruff-fighting ingredient in some shampoos. This ingredient also is found in body soap used to treat an inflammatory condition, seborrheic dermatitis. It is considered safe for use by pregnant women, although it can be a skin irritant.

Some shampoos contain an antifungal ingredient called ketoconazole. Pregnant women should probably stay away from this ingredient because safety for the fetus may be a concern, but more studies are needed to confirm this. Women who want to use a shampoo that contains ketoconazole should consult their doctors, and together they can determine if the risk is worth the possible benefit. Ketoconazole adversely affects yeast and fungi membranes as it attempts to kill them.

Hormones in pregnancy can cause many changes to the skin and body. Women don’t have to suffer with these problems and irritations. Often it only takes a conversation with their doctors to find an acceptable solution that will harm neither mother nor baby. Sometimes there are other causes of dandruff that can be investigated or ruled out.