What is the Controversy About Smoking in Public Places?

Smoking has become a controversial topic in recent years. This is especially prevalent in shared public environments. Smoking in public places is frowned upon because of the inherent health risks that come with inhaling smoke. Secondhand smoke is made up of toxic chemicals that are exhaled in the air from smokers. This smoke has the same lethal side effects as smoking.

Smoking in restaurants has been a source of complaint by non-smokers for many years. Restaurant owners have responded by offering special smoking areas. These areas were typically sealed off from non-smoking patrons. In recent years, full smoking bans have been implemented in many public places in the United States.

A cigarette smoker typically smells like burnt ashes. This is because smoke lingers on the clothing and hair of smokers for many hours after smoking. Some non-smokers find the odor offensive and prefer to not smell like cigarettes. This is a common complaint regarding smoking in public places. In the past smoking was common in all public areas including restaurants, malls and airplanes. This caused non-smokers to share in the ash smell of smokers.

In the United States, smoking has been banned in most restaurants, hospitals, and work environments. This ban went into place in during the last decade. While many states have enacted statewide public bans, the United States federal government has not declared this to be a national standard.

Smoking has been banned on commercial airplanes for many years. This was based on the public outcry and health hazards that come from secondhand smoke. Smoking on planes typically caused most passengers to smell like smoke when they departed from the flight.

Smoking is an addiction that carries serious health risks. Studies show that smoking can cause cancer and death. Public sentiment has generally evolved to believe this health risk should not be shared with children, or other non-smokers. Smoking is a personal choice but smoking in public places has a shared impact.
Smoking bans are not limited to the United States. Many countries across the world have instituted rules on smoking in public places. These areas typically include workplaces, bars, and hospitals.
Many years ago smoking was considered a normal pastime. It was common to see smoking advertisement that focused on children and young adults. Over the last few years, smoking has become less socially acceptable. This is because doctors have now proven this habit causes unnecessary health risks, which should not be shared with non-smokers.