What is the Difference Between a Certificate and a Degree?

There is a significant distinction between a certificate program and one that leads to a degree. However, this distinction isn’t always significant. Certificate programs are sometimes the only way to get job training, and they are often more highly regarded than a degree. A number of programs provide certificates of completion, which are the only way to be trained in specific areas. Most people do not become skilled plumbers earning an associate’s or bachelor’s degree, for example. A degree is much more desirable, helpful, or required in other professions; it really depends on the profession chosen.

In general, a certificate indicates that a person has completed some type of training program, which can be found in a variety of locations. Adult and extended education classes are offered trade and vocational schools, junior colleges, and even four-year colleges. Completion certificates have one thing in common: they don’t usually require a broad background in general education studies before specializing in a particular field, though there are some exceptions.

The majority of people with associate’s or bachelor’s degrees pursue interests outside of their field. Prior to taking specialized courses that earn them a degree in their chosen major, they will take basic liberal arts programs that ensure competence up to a certain level in mathematics, English, science, humanities, and history. Most certificate programs do not necessitate this level of background knowledge. Some programs, on the other hand, may provide opportunities to earn a degree, while others may require that a person possess certain skills prior to enrolling. Students seeking a certificate in computer programming may be required to demonstrate math skills, and those seeking specialty training as paralegals or secretaries may be required to demonstrate writing skills.

In some cases, having a degree and a certificate can be advantageous. Someone who has completed a secretary training course and has a liberal arts or business degree may be viewed as a more desirable employee. Some people discover that they have a degree in a field where there are few job opportunities, so they enroll in a training course to help them find work in that field. A number of training programs, including many teacher-training programs, may be open only to applicants with a degree. People who want to become teachers don’t usually need an advanced degree beyond a bachelor’s degree, but they might not be able to enroll in teacher training classes if they don’t have one. The training program may only lead to certification rather than a master’s degree, though many colleges offer this option.