What is the Grocery Game?

The Grocery Game™ is a method devised and marketed by Teri Gault, an avid coupon clipper and shopper. A pro at coupon shopping, Gault started compiling lists of store sales and helped her family and friends save tons of money utilizing the manufacturer coupons clipped from the newspaper, used in conjunction with store discounts and coupons. Today, the online list of deals, called “Teri’s List” can be used for stores in all 50 states, and is now available in the UK and France!

For those who love using coupons and getting good deals on shopping, the Grocery Game™ is a great place to put that hobby to use, and save you time. Before the Grocery Game™, many women spent hours clipping coupons in the newspaper, and weekly grocery circulars. You had to organize and prioritize the stacks of coupons by type and expiration date. It meant a lot of time spent pushing a cart down grocery aisles to find both the published and unpublished deals — which you had to repeat at numerous stores in order to get the best deals.

The Grocery Game™ takes the legwork and guesswork out of couponing. A subscription, which typically costs $10 US Dollars (USD) for eight weeks, will give you a list for one store in your area. In it you’ll find deals that you can use in conjunction with the coupons available in your local newspapers. The Grocery Game™ databases track coupons from manufacturers, as well as sales at your local grocery stores.

Teri’s List gives you a list of the store, along with valid dates for the deals. Each individual item is listed, along with the original price, the sale price, the manufacturer’s coupon(s) to use, any available store coupons and the final price. You can sort the list according to what you need/want to purchase. Items listed in green are free with the use of your coupons and blue items are for stockpiling. Stockpiling is a feature of the Grocery Game™, which has you purchase several items that may have a buy one (or two), get one free with purchase status, resulting in extras. After several months of the Grocery Game™, you’ll have a stockpile of necessities such as toilet paper, green beans, deodorant, etc.

The service provides online coupons, or a means to share coupons with other Grocery Game™ “players.” The online message boards provide advice and support for newcomers to the game, as well as a way to share coupons, success stories, samples, tips on how to use and organize your stockpiles as well as your coupons.

The Grocery Game™ touts an average weekly savings of 67% for players on their grocery bills. Despite its success, it’s not for everyone — you have to be organized, and stay on track with your coupon clipping and organization. You also have to be willing to spend the time getting to the designated grocery stores, finding the listed sale items, and have a place to store your stockpiled goods. Although you have to stay motivated and on track for the Grocery Game™ to be effective, the financial payoff seems to be guaranteed.