What is the Hora?

The hora is a type of circle dance, which is a traditional dance characterized by a circular formation and individual dancers moving without partners. Many peoples, including Native Americans, Greeks, Africans, Eastern Europeans, and the Irish, perform circle dances. The hora is a Jewish and Rumanian dance with ties to other Mediterranean dances, some of which may have originated in the Balkans and are distinguished by different names and traditional moves. The hora is related to both the kolo, a Yugoslav dance, and the Bulgarian horo.

The hora can be performed in a variety of ways by the dancers. Although the hora is commonly thought of as a circle dance, it can also be performed as a line dance in some cultures.

Some versions use a grapevine step, in which one foot crosses in front of the other, left in front of then behind right when moving counterclockwise and right in front of then behind left when moving clockwise. Running, facing center and moving towards the center of the circle, reducing the circumference and raising the hands; moving away from the center, increasing the circumference while lowering the hands; stamping, jumping, scissors kicks, step-hop, and other moves are all examples of steps.

Music is typically played during the hora, but different melodies are used in different cultures. The folk song “Hava Nagila,” a song of joy that can be played or sung, is frequently used by Jewish hora dancers. The hora is frequently performed at celebrations and as a folk dance activity in physical education classes, summer camps, and participatory folk dance events. The hora, which is typically performed at weddings, was performed admirably.