What is the Procedure for Getting Juvederm Injections?

Juvederm is a nonsurgical cosmetic procedure that helps remove superficial wrinkles and alleviate deep skin folds. Using hyaluronic acid, a malleable agent that shares a similar composition to collagen, Juvederm injections tend to be especially effective in removing crow’s feet, smile lines as folds in the forehead as well as being able to act as a plumping agent for the lips. Usually done by a skilled dermatologist, the procedure for getting Juvederm injections usually consists of proper sterilization of the skin, desensitizing of the treatment area, injection of the hyaluronic acid and aftercare procedures.

The dermatologist will usually inspect the skin before administering the Juvederm injections. Proper inspection will help safeguard the skin from future complications. The doctor will gently massage the skin, feeling for cystic growths, skin inconsistencies and any underlying skin ailments. Candidates will also be asked to move specific parts of their face. This will accentuate any skin folds, helping the doctor gauge where to inject the Juvederm treatment.

Proper cleansing and sterilization will usually be carried out by the dermatologist. The dermatologist typically uses an alcohol swab to clean the skin. Alcohol is a sterilizing agent, effectively removing germs and bacteria on the surface of the skin. The astringent properties in the alcohol can cause the skin to feel a bit tingly. Sensitive skin types can expect to feel a slight, but transient, burning sensation.

The dermatologist will usually use a ruler and a pen to precisely mark injection sites onto the skin. Injections will have to be evenly placed for them to be properly absorbed into the skin. Juvederm injections are usually administered without any anesthetics. Some doctors will gently apply an anesthetic cream or gel to desensitize the area. If the doctor does not apply any anesthetic agents on the skin by default, the patient can usually ask about it.

Next, the dermatologist will use hyaluronic acid to fill a syringe fixed with a hypodermic needle. Hyaluronic acid shares similar properties with collagen, making the acid a safe filler agent that is easily synthesized and absorbed into the body. The doctor will carefully puncture the outer layer of skin with the needle, depositing the hyaluronic acid right below the epidermis.

Using a sterile cotton pad, the dermatologist will apply gentle pressure onto the injection site. This will usually deter excessive bleeding. The process of receiving Juvederm injections can take only a few minutes, depending on the number of wrinkles. The dermatologist or an assistant will then perform any necessary aftercare procedures or will explain to the patient he or she must do in the coming hours or days.