What is the Sahasrara Chakra?

According to eastern spiritual philosophy there are seven major chakras, or energy centers, in the human body. The chakras are named after the parts of the body where they are located. These seven main chakras are the base, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat, brow, and crown. The sahasrara chakra is the seventh, or crown, chakra.
Each of the major chakras corresponds to a color. Many consider the sahasrara chakra to be violet, while others see it as white. Each chakra is also associated with a musical note, and the note of the sahasrara chakra is B. It is believed that all of the other chakras emanate from the sahasrara chakra.

Sahasrara means thousand in Sanskrit. According to eastern tradition, the sahasrara chakra is depicted as a lotus with a thousand petals. This is based on the concept that there are a thousand nerves located at the top of the head, and that a cross section taken of the brain would show a structure that resembles a lotus with a thousand petals.

There is some disagreement over the exact location of the sahasrara chakra. Some place it at the top of the head, at the same location where a baby’s fontanel is located. Others believe that it is located several inches above the head. There is, however, no disagreement about the function of this chakra, and it is associated with spiritual enlightenment.

Each chakra is related to different parts of the body. The seventh chakra is associated with the cerebral cortex, central nervous system, cerebrum, and upper brain. It is also associated with the pituitary gland. A vital function of the seventh chakra is spirituality, and its power manifests when it is touched by kundalini energy.

Kundalini is believed to be a powerful spiritual force resembling a snake that is coiled up at the base of the spine in the average person. According to eastern tradition, people who practice certain types of yoga, meditation, and other spiritual practices can cause this kundalini energy to rise up through the different chakras. The goal is to advance spiritually so that the kundalini reaches the sahasrara chakra.

When the kundalini reaches the sahasrara chakra, the person is considered to be an adept. He or she attains a state of consciousness known as Buddhic in eastern religions, and Christ consciousness in the Christian tradition. A permanent, direct connection to the godhead is created when the kundalini combines with the crown chakra, and the person achieves a state of spiritual enlightenment.