What is the Seventh Chakra?

In the spiritual beliefs of Hinduism, seven energy centers in the body link individuals to the spiritual realm, known as chakras. The seventh chakra of these is the Sahasrara, or Crown chakra, which is the center of thought and consciousness. This is the highest of the chakras and, in Hindu tradition, it governs issues of karma, life and death, and one’s connection with the Hindu concept of God. In fact, within the seventh chakra is believed to be a doorway to God, known as brahmarandhra.

Chakras are considered to be energy vortices, or wheels of energy, that link the individual’s physical body through its aura of energy to an etheric or spiritual body. The sixth and seventh chakra both differ markedly, however, in how they represent this as compared to the first five. The first five chakras mirror Buddhist tradition and serve as counterparts to the five senses by representing Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Sound, or Ether, the medium of the spiritual world itself. The sixth chakra, known as Ajna, or the Third Eye, is one’s connection to the higher and lower spiritual realms, a sort of intuitive bridge between the physical and supernatural that can manifest itself with abilities such as divine sight.

According to ancient mystics in Hinduism, the seventh chakra represents the soul body itself and governs 1,008 unique aspects of one’s soul. These aspects of the soul take the form of pure white light and shine through the golden aura of the natural body. The seventh chakra then represents pure spirit, unencumbered by physical limitations, and it is the essence of what survives after death. It is believed that, during one’s physical life, a progression or natural opening to the chakras occurs, and an individual may only be aware of two or three chakras for the bulk of their life, with such awareness setting a pattern for how one lives. Tradition also states that by the age of 42-49, everyone who hasn’t already will open naturally to awareness of the seventh chakra.

More than just energy vortices or connections to an otherworldly realm, chakras have profound implications in Hindu philosophy. They also represent the evolution of an individual and humanity as a whole, from basic instincts to a state of pure, selfless immortality. Each chakra is designated a color and symbol, and the seventh is often considered to be a swirling multi-colored or violet disk representing a lotus flower of 1,000 petals. This is the Hindu symbol of pure consciousness and wisdom, beyond human distinctions, such as gender and the physical limitations of time and space.