What is Unique About the Structure of Influenza?

The structure of influenza is complicated even to seasoned virologists. One of the most unique aspects of influenza is its ability to mutate its structure or formation within a relatively short time frame. The study of its structure reveals unique characteristics that make the influenza virus one of the most dangerous pathogens on the planet. The characteristics of influenza, including its membrane composition and the efficient way it “hijacks” healthy cells to use as its host, sets it apart from some more common viruses. The complex, reinforced structure of influenza has made it relatively hard to battle when an epidemic breaks out within a population.

Scientists believe the structure of the influenza virus is unique in that it is an enveloped virus, or a virus that “steals” the membrane of its host cell before it replicates. While other viruses exhibit properties similar to this, the influenza virus is very efficient at using this tactic to overtake a healthy cell. Once the virus has compiled its membrane structure, it has a unique assortment of “spikes,” or glycoproteins, that connect to sugars called hemagluten (HA) and neuraminidase (NA). The specific way in which these sugars are arranged within the structure of influenza determine which general strain it is, A B or C.

The influenza virus is astonishingly reinforced. Beneath its lipid membrane, another protective layer is found. The viral matrix protein, or M1 protein, forms a hard to penetrate shell that protects it from would-be attackers. This shell protects the most important components of the influenza virus structure, the viral RNA. When a virus attacks a healthy host cell, it injects the genetic instructions contained within its RNA into the healthy cell’s enzyme “factory.” It then uses these enzymes to carry out its ultimate goal of making replications of itself.

This process of replication continues until it is halted either by pharmaceuticals or the host’s immune system. The mutating and reinforced structure of influenza can paralyze the immune system because it essentially becomes confused and overworked. Treating an influenza epidemic with broad-spectrum drugs further impairs patients’ immune systems, and the virus can run rampant and cause havoc within the system. Understanding the “hijacking” step the virus uses to first envelop a virus and gain control over its enzyme synthesis is on the forefront of research into new drugs, immunizations, and alternative therapies that will help to combat emerging illness that are contributed to the virus.