What is Unrequited Love?

Unrequited love is a term that is used when one person has strong feelings towards another that are not reciprocated. This type of love has been the subject of many books, films, and television programs. The person to whom these feelings are directed at may not even be aware that he or she is the object of someone’s affection. Most people become aware of mismatched affections, however.

Unrequited love can be awkward no matter what the situation. In fact, it has ended many friendships because problems develop when one person wants to keep the relationship strictly platonic, and the other person wants to act on feelings that cross the boundaries of friendship. It can be very difficult to maintain a friendship under such circumstances.

When unrequited love develops in the workplace, it can be especially tricky. People have been known to change jobs in order to avoid this type of situation. It can often be more awkward for the person who is the subject of the affections. Although it may be nice to receive the attention at first, it can become difficult to handle and may spiral out of control.

Celebrities are often the focus of unrequited love. Some people develop serious feelings for others who they have never met. This happens more commonly with celebrities, as their lives are played out in the media. A misguided person may actually feel as if they know a celebrity even though they have never met.

In fact, celebrity-based unrequited love may be characterized better as stalking. This stalking may become so severe as to warrant restraining orders against the obsessed fan. Celebrity stalkers who have a case of unrequited love can also become dangerous. In these cases, the stalker may turn up wherever the celebrity appears, including his or her home. In the most severe cases, stalkers have even killed the object of their affection.

Unrequited love really can happen to anyone. Anyone who is the focus of this sort of attention should try to deal with it immediately. It’s important to maintain boundaries and refrain from giving any impression that there may be the chance of a relationship. While it may be difficult to do for fear of hurting the other person’s feelings, it is often recommended as the best approach for long-term happiness.