What Is Vegan Vegetable Soup?

Vegan vegetable soup is a type of soup suitable for people who do not wish to consume any products that have come from animals. Since most vegetable soup includes no eggs, meat, or dairy products, many soups are suitable for vegan consumption. The main difference between vegan vegetable soup and the non-vegan variety is the broth. In vegan soups, vegetable broth is always used as the liquid base, whereas in non-vegan soups chicken or beef broth is most often used.

Using vegetable broth, as opposed to chicken or beef broth, is key to vegan vegetable soup. Vegetable broth may be homemade, but it is more often purchased in bullion cubes or in cans or cases. As with meat-based bullion cubes, vegetable bullion must be boiled and dissolved in water before use.

Any kind of fresh vegetable may be included in vegan vegetable soup. Carrots, tomatoes, potatoes, and onions are usually staples. Bell peppers, celery, broccoli, and cauliflower are also popular to include. More leafy vegetables, such as spinach and cabbage, have a place in this soup as well. Simple variations of the soup may only include three or four choices, but more hearty varieties can have close to a dozen different vegetables.

Lemon juice is frequently added to vegan vegetable soup. Mushrooms might be included as well. Spices, such as rosemary, oregano, and garlic, are often added for flavoring.

Some versions of vegan vegetable soup will roast tomatoes or bell peppers before including them in the soup. A simple process, roasting is accomplished by slicing and seeding the fruit or vegetable before placing it in the oven for several minutes. Roasting can also be accomplished by hand using a culinary blowtorch.

To make vegan vegetable soup, the vegetables are added to the heated broth according to their cooking times. Broccoli, cauliflower, and potatoes are added first. Then any celery, onions, or garlic are sauteed before being included in the broth. Tomatoes, particularly if roasted beforehand, are added directly before the soup is finished. Carrots may be initially sauteed and added with the onions and celery or they may be added with the potatoes.

As the vegetables are being added, the broth is kept at a simmer. When all the vegetables are soft, the soup is complete. Directly before the dish is finished, lemon juice is often added. When complete, the soup might be garnished with parsley. Salt, and sometimes black pepper, can be added to taste.