What is Worsted Wool?

Worsted wool is a versatile compact yarn that is used in the creation of a number of different types of garments. While many forms of wool require that the fiber undergo a spinning process, this type is produced slightly differently. Rather than going directly into a spinning process, the wool is first combed in a carding process to remove any short and brittle fibers. This leaves only the longer strands of the fiber to undergo the spinning process, producing a smooth yarn that has a high durability.

Owing to the strength of wool that undergoes the worsting process, the fibers can be woven into a finer material that is more wrinkle resistant than many other fabric choices. This makes this smooth fabric an ideal choice for garments that need to hold their shape, and perhaps not only be wrinkle-free but also hold an even crease as well. Over the years, worsted wool has been a popular choice for men’s trousers, pleated skirts for women, and both men’s suits and sport jackets. Because it is so durable, it wears very well and also drapes easily, making it an ideal fabric for all sorts of garments.

While office wear is often made of worsted wool, the material has begun to make an impact on casual wear as well. It’s often used for men’s jackets that are geared for wear with slacks or jeans. This fabric is also often used to create vests and other types of garments that are worn as part of a layered look for both men and women. The ability of the wool to look new even after several dry cleanings ensures that the garments are likely to be out of style before they actually wear out.

Many men prefer a tuxedo that is cut from material made with this wool as well. As a garment that is worn on very special occasions, it is important to maintain a highly polished appearance. It can easily take a man through a long evening celebration, resisting the wear and tear that would result in multiple wrinkles and perhaps some loss of shape during the course of the event. It is because the fabric can look as fresh and polished at the end of an evening out as it did at the beginning that many men refuse to wear formal wear that is produced from any other type of material.