What is Yarn Bombing?

Yarn bombing is an artistic form of outdoor decorating, similar to graffiti, but it consists of using yarn that has been knitted or crocheted into various patterns. The designs are formed by connecting numerous colors and styles of yarn to form specific patterns and designs. These pieces of art can last for many years, but they are considered to be temporary because they eventually fade and unravel. Unlike paint or chalk, they are also very easy to remove when needed, which makes it appealing to artists and victims alike.

This form of artistic expression is said to have started being an art in Texas when crafts people began experimenting with different variations in order to use leftover yarn from their craft projects. David Cole, in 2009, produced numerous pieces of work during the Big West Arts Festival in Australia, but it was vandalized and destroyed within the first few nights. Even so, this broke the ground for artists all over the world to begin making yarn bombing masterpieces.

Since yarn is so easily molded to the shape of the foundation used, yarn bombing can be used on almost any type of surface. The majority of people attach their works of art to trees, walls, fences, and even across lawns and gardens. The decorative aspects of bombing is unmatched by any other type of exterior decorating designs, and since they can so easily be removed, the styles can change whenever the artist wants them to.

The major benefit to this form of graffiti is that most home and business owners are not distressed when their property gets tagged. Unlike paint and chalk, the pieces of yarn that are used for yard bombing can be removed without any complications if the owners choose to do so. Since this form of expression is harmless to the environment and buildings that they are attached to, there is no substantial damage done to the property.

Yarn bombing is not expected to ever become as popular as other forms of graffiti because of the time that needs to be taken in order to make, and attach, the artwork. Graffiti artists from all areas have found that bombing takes more time, and requires more effort, than painting or chalking does. Of course, true artists use this technique because since it is harmless to the foundations that they are attached to, they are less likely to get into trouble for vandalizing other people’s property.