What Jobs are Available in Electronics?

There are four different types of jobs in electronics: product development, working for an electronics manufacturing company, teaching, and research. In this area, there are electronic engineers and technologists. The types of positions available depend of the level of education completed. An electronics engineer has completed a university degree and the examinations required to become a professional engineer. A technologist has completed a college training program.

Electronics covers a wide range of products and tools, ranging from televisions to cellular phones. All function using the same principles, varying in size and complexity. A signal is sent from one circuit to another via a tiny electrical impulse. The ability to transmit and interpret this signal is critical to the functioning of all electronic devices.

Product development is central to creating new devices, improving the efficiency of existing devices and making the best possible use of new power sources and processing chips as they become available. This type of work is typically completed by people with doctoral degrees in electronics engineering or related fields.

There is a broad range of jobs available in the electronics manufacturing sector. This industry supports careers in design, implementation, production, support, and repair. There are electronic manufacturing and design companies located in countries around the world.

Jobs are also available as instructors at local community or career colleges, teaching courses to electronics technologists or technicians. People with doctoral degrees can find instructor positions at the university level. In order to become an effective instructor, many professionals complete a certificate program in adult education. Learning the most effective way to teach adults can be a huge help when making this career transition.

Research is a huge area of exploration. Grants are available from government agencies, private industry, and dedicated research groups who seek to expand the field of knowledge in this area. Many electronics engineers who want to explore this career option go on to become become university professors. These positions require teaching, but provide the opportunities for extensive research.
People who report the greatest satisfaction in electronics jobs enjoy working with technology, problem solving, and working independently. The level of positions available vary by industry and level of eduction. It takes a minimum of three years of post-secondary education to qualify for a position in electronics.

Most electronics jobs have a broad range of career advancement opportunities available. Regardless of the industry where initial experience is obtained, all skills are transferable to other areas. The only restriction to promotion is based on the level of education, as some positions require an engineering degree. However, technologists with a great deal of experience can advance their careers with additional training and certification programs.