What Should I Consider When Buying a Child’s Bicycle?

The choice of which child’s bicycle to purchase should be based on features that are important for comfort and safety, rather than on color or style alone. While kids have definite opinions when it comes to style, there are ways to compromise so you can find a child’s bicycle that is both stylish and safe.
The first tip in selecting a child’s bicycle is finding a bike that is a good fit. It is never a good idea to choose a bike that is too big, thinking the child will grow into it. A large bike can be very difficult to handle. A youngster, especially one that is just learning to ride, can easily lose control of the bike and sustain injury.

A bike that is too small can also be dangerous. The child’s legs may hit the handlebars, or he may not be able to brake properly. The best way to select a child’s bicycle is to take him or her with you when shopping. Making sure the bike is suitable and safe is far more important than attempting to surprise the child. Make sure the youngster can touch the ground comfortably when sitting on the bike and make sure he or she is able to get on and off with ease.

Shop around when looking for a child’s bicycle. A moderately priced bike is usually a good choice. Look for solid construction, usable features such as an adjustable seat, and safety features. Instead of selecting a child’s bicycle that looks “cool” choose one that is suited to the child. New riders may have difficulty using hand brakes, and should stick with coaster brakes on a first bike.

Also, remember that fancy options that are more decorative than useful can actually be dangerous. Rather than watching the path in front of him, a child may be watching the way the streamers on his handlebars wave in the wind. There is plenty of time for the “cool” stuff once a child has fully mastered cycling.

Selecting a child’s bicycle can be a great experience for parents and children alike. The key is to remember that a bike is not a typical toy; it is also a mode of transportation that must be used safely and responsibly. Bicycling is enjoyable, a good form or exercise, and a great way to make memories. Just make sure those memories are good ones, by making sure your kids are safe.