What Should I Consider When Buying a Wetsuit?

When buying a wetsuit, be sure to purchase one that will keep you safe while in the water. In addition, it is important to consider both comfort and style when buying a wetsuit.

When you go diving, the water temperature is generally much cooler than your own body temperature. Through the laws of physics, the cooler water will absorb your warmer body heat. This must be taken into consideration when buying a wetsuit. The thickness of the wetsuit is the biggest factor in determining how well it will protect your body from becoming cold.

When buying a wetsuit, you should look for one that is ¼ to 1/8 inch (6 to 3 mm) thick. There is no rule stating how thick a wetsuit should be for a specific water temperature. After all, different people feel cold at varying rates. This should also be taken into consideration when buying a wetsuit – the thickness that works for your diving buddy may not be the right thickness for you.

If you are unsure of the thickness you should go with when buying a wetsuit, it is best to always err on the side of too thick. This is because you can easily unzip the suit and let water in to cool yourself down if necessary. You do not have many options available if your wetsuit is too thin.

Design is another consideration when buying a wetsuit. You can choose between a one piece and a two piece wetsuit. They also come with hoods that are attached and hoods that are not. You can also choose whether to have the zipper on the front or on the back.

A full suit offers the most protection, and an attached hood helps prevent water from running down your back when you dive in. At the same time, an attached hood cannot be completely removed if necessary. Often, a wetsuit with a back zipper has a higher collar. This can provide a little extra warmth, but can be irritating if you have a gag reflex or find a higher collar to be too restrictive.

You also must consider the fit when buying a wet suit. If the wetsuit does not fit you properly, it will not provide the protection you need. When buying a wetsuit, make sure there are no major gaps in the armpit area, in the crotch, or in the neck.
You should also look at the small of your back when buying a wetsuit. The wetsuit should leave a small gap because of the curve of your spine. You might want to purchase a spine pad for this area if one is not already included.
The area around your wrists and ankles should be smooth and snug. These areas are the most problematic when it comes to water seepage. When zipping the wetsuit, you shouldn’t have to hold it together to get the zipper up. At the same time, the wetsuit should not zip extremely easily. If this happens when buying a wetsuit, you should try the next size down.