What Should I Expect from a Spine MRI?

In a spine magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study, a piece of medical equipment will be used to get a series of pictures of a patient’s spine to collect information about a spinal condition. During the study, the patient will need to lie very still inside a confined space within the MRI machine. The environment can be noisy, although headphones are usually provided to protect the patient’s ears. After the scan is over, the images will be read and used to develop a treatment plan for the patient.

Doctors may recommend a spine MRI when a patient presents with back pain or signs of problems with the spinal nerves, such as abnormal sensation or loss of sensation. This test can also be requested for people who have experienced trauma to the spine, as physicians may be concerned about spinal cord injuries. People are often given spine MRIs after car accidents and serious falls, for example, sometimes even if no obvious symptoms of spinal damage are present, for safety reasons.

To prepare for a spine MRI, the patient will be asked to change into a hospital gown and to remove all jewelry. Metallic objects are not safe in and around an MRI machine, and patients who have had any kind of implant surgery should alert the technician. The patient may also be given other imaging studies at around the same time if a doctor wants to collect additional information, such as a simple X-ray to visualize the spine.

In some cases, a spine MRI requires the use of contrast dye. The contrast will help highlight certain structures on the image, making it crisper and easier to read and potentially illuminating things that would not be visible otherwise. In a spine MRI with contrast, the patient will be injected with the contrast agent before the test begins and will need to wait while it circulates. There is a small risk of experiencing an allergic reaction to the contrast, and patients should alert their doctors if they have any allergies.

During the test itself, the patient lies flat on a table that is pushed into the MRI machine. Padding and blankets are often provided for comfort, and some facilities play music to help patients relax during the scan. The length of time needed for a spine MRI varies, depending on how much of the spine is being imaged, and patients who are worried about claustrophobia may be able to access anti-anxiety medications to stay calm during the scan.