What Should I Expect from Boxing Fitness Classes?

Boxing is a comprehensive workout that has become very popular. There are many boxing-specific gyms and fitness centers that solely focus on this type of workout. If you are considering taking boxing fitness classes, you can expect to have increased energy and coordination, greater stamina, more muscle tone, more lean muscle mass and enhanced self-confidence.

Your first class in a series of many boxing fitness classes will probably be the most difficult one. Even if you are very fit and maintain a regular exercise routine, you probably will feel a little clumsy during the first session. This is because boxing moves will be foreign to your muscles, and your initial reactions will start off slowly. The typical first class will teach the basics of boxing, including the proper stance, which is how you stand and how you hold your fists. In other early lessons, you usually will learn the types of punches, such as the jab, cross, uppercut, hook and roundhouse.

As you build upon the basics in boxing fitness classes, you’ll begin to see your stamina improve, and you’ll learn more about the proper stance and punches as well as footwork and defensive moves. For example, you’ll learn how to move from side to side, slip, duck, weave and block. These cardiovascular exercises will improve your core strength, coordination and balance as well as begin to sculpt your lean muscles. Many people often report weight loss from these types of classes because of the constant movement and sweating.

Most boxing fitness classes include more than just boxing moves. Some other common exercises include jumping rope, medicine ball drills, footwork drills and plyometric exercises, which involve jumping. Many instructors have students punch targets, such as focus mitts or heavy bags. These types of drills not only increase strength, stamina and aim, they also are great ways to release pent-up stress and emotions. Another common practice in boxing fitness classes is working the speed bag, which builds rhythm and coordination.

Boxing fitness classes can positively affect your overall confidence and self-esteem. Most people feel stronger after this type of exercise regimen, and they feel confident that they can protect themselves if the need ever arises. Many people also learn how to listen to their bodies and become more self-aware in boxing classes. Boxing classes typically have students set fitness goals. When you learn how to set and achieve personal goals, the skill set can transfer over to other areas of your life.