What Should I Look for in an Antique Wing Chair?

An antique wing chair can add a great deal of style to a home or business. To choose the best antique wing chair, individuals should be sure to consider the condition of both the frame and cushioning of the chair before settling on a particular product. While some individuals who are familiar with antique furniture may be able to evaluate the quality of the chair on their own, in many cases, a professional antique dealer may be required to examine the product. The cost should also be considered before settling on a particular chair. While some may be tempted to purchase a relatively inexpensive product, the cost of repairs should also be considered.

One of the most important things to look for in an antique wing chair is a sturdy frame. A chair such as this can be reupholstered if necessary, but restoring the actual frame of the chair can be very difficult, if not outright impossible. While some individuals who have experience working with antique furniture may be able to easily identify a sturdy antique wing chair that is in good condition, in many cases, a professional antique dealer will be required to examine the chair. Customers who want to purchase a particular antique wing chair may want to consult with an antique dealer with whom they feel comfortable in order to ensure that the chair is, in fact, in good condition.

When looking for an antique wing chair, individuals should also consider the condition of the chair cushioning. While chair cushioning can be replaced, this process can be quite expensive, and will greatly increase the total cost of the chair. Chair cushioning that contains rodent feces, mold, or other forms of damage can often be identified by smell. In addition, the oldest antique wing chairs may contain cushioning that has deteriorated. As with the frame of the chair, a professional antique furniture dealer should examine the piece in order to determine the condition of the chair cushioning.

The price of the chair should also be considered. Often, the quality of the chair can greatly affect the purchase price. In addition, the age, style, and size of the chair can contribute to its cost. While an antique wing chair can often be purchased at a relatively affordable price, individuals will need to consider the cost in association with necessary repairs. In many cases, it may be more cost effective to purchase a chair that is more expensive but in good shape than an inexpensive chair which requires a lot of repair.