Which African Country Has the Highest Internet Penetration?

As of 2011, the African country with the highest Internet penetration rate (IPR) — the percentage of a country’s population that has Internet access — was Morocco, with 41.3 percent of the population, or about 13.2 million people, having access to the Internet. Nigeria had the most Internet users, about 44 million, and an IPR of 28.3 percent. Internet users in Nigeria accounted for about 37 percent of all Internet users in Africa. Egypt was second in terms of Internet users, with about 20 million, and had an IPR of about 24.5 percent. Egypt’s Internet users accounted for about 16.9 percent of the total for Africa.

More facts about Africa and Internet use:

Other countries in Africa that had lots of Internet users as of 2011 included South Africa, with 6.8 million; Algeria, with about 4.7 million; and Sudan, with about 4.2 million. Algeria and South Africa had IPRs of almost 14 percent, and Sudan’s was 9.3 percent.
About 65 percent of Africa’s Internet users in 2011 were from either Nigeria, Egypt or Morocco. Egypt had more Facebook users than Morocco and Nigeria combined — about 9.4 million users.
In 2007, less than 1 percent of Africans had access to broadband Internet.