Which Plants are Good for a Sunny Area?

If you have a sunny yard, congratulations. Gardening in sunny spots is easy because of the huge variety of plants that grow well under sunny conditions. The main thing you have to worry about in a sunny garden is that your plants are getting enough water. Here are some of the best plants to use in a sunny area.
Roses: Almost all roses need at least six hours of sun a day to bloom their best, so roses are perfect for all your sunny spots. Most people think that roses are difficult to grow, but they don’t have to be. An easy way to give your roses a boost is to plant your empty banana peels around the bushes. Bananas have potassium, which is as great for roses as it is for people. Roses that are well-fed will produce more, bigger blooms with stronger fragrance, which any sunny gardener is bound to love.

Butterfly Bush: A perfect choice for southern gardens, butterfly bushes are extremely tolerant of heat and humidity. They thrive in difficult conditions like very sunny spots and have tons of beautiful blooms, which can range in color from blue to lavender, pink to red, and even white. As you’d guess from their name, they also attract butterflies and bees to your garden, which is fun for children and adults alike.

Daisies: There are few flowers as cheerful as daisies. A mass planting of daisies in bloom is sure to bring a smile to anyone’s face, and they are perfect additions to any sunny garden. If you want the flowers to bloom more than once a season, simply cut off the bloom once it has faded, a practice known as deadheading. You can also simply cut the flowers when they are in bloom and enjoy them inside the house.

Lilies: Another great bloomer for your sunny garden spot is the lily. There are many varieties of lilies on the market today, from the classic tiger lilies to deep purple Black Jacks, yellow Flamboyants, pink lilies called Spanish Flame, and even delicate lilies that look like orchids. Lilies are planted from bulbs, which makes them very easy to care for. Plant once and you will have blooms for a long time to come.

Lavender: A great choice for a sunny walkway is the lavender plant. Lavender looks great in clumps and rows, such as along a sidewalk. You might consider positioning the plants so that people run into them as they walk toward your house; this will release the fragrance of the flowers. Lavender is drought-tolerant and the flowers are great for drying, using in crafts, and even cooking. They add a useful touch as well as beauty to any sunny garden.

There are many other plants that would fit in well in your sunny garden, but these five superstars are a great way to begin your adventures in gardening in the sun.