What are the Liberal Arts?

The liberal arts were associated with introductory courses in branches of science, mathematics, and the study of writing in the Middle Ages, and there were seven distinct fields. Grammar, dialectic (Socratic debate), and rhetoric, or the art of writing and delivering speeches, were all part of the trivium. The quadrivium consisted of astronomy, arithmetic, geometry, and music studies. These courses did not include more intensive studies in fields such as history or foreign languages.

Some of these fields are now referred to as general education or general ed. Only a few of the original liberal arts from the Middle Ages are still classified as such. Liberal arts studies do not include anything related to science or math. Furthermore, music and drama are frequently seen as separate disciplines.

People who earn a four-year bachelor’s degree in liberal arts usually major in one of the following subjects: history, literature, foreign languages, or philosophy. Some of these studies may include related fields such as journalism, political science, or women’s studies, but they are not considered liberal arts degrees. A person who obtains a bachelor’s degree in this field will also have some knowledge of general education. The first two years of college are usually dominated by general education requirements. Liberal arts majors, on the other hand, will spend their junior and senior years primarily studying the field in which they are most interested.

Most people who plan to graduate from college must take these courses. A science major must still pass English and may be required to take a foreign language. They will almost certainly study philosophy. The liberal arts major, on the other hand, goes beyond the basics and into more in-depth study.

Many people wonder what can be done with such a degree and how it can benefit students who major in liberal arts. Because they usually have excellent communication skills, many students with degrees in this field are in high demand for entry-level positions in businesses. Many people want to be teachers. A degree in English or history can also help someone who wants to go into law school.

However, it is true that liberal arts studies do not always address practical issues. For example, knowing everything there is to know about Socrates may be interesting, but it is rarely a job requirement. However, the importance of understanding human thought is still taught, written about, and needed in these fields. Liberal arts specialists may not become the highest-paid employees on the planet, but they do enjoy the daily process of questioning how we live, write, and think.