Career objectives are intermediate, less significant accomplishments that one aspires to achieve over time, whereas career goals are very significant results that one aspires to achieve over time. Career goals can include concepts such as job satisfaction, which are often thought of in terms of title, authority, or compensation. Career objectives, on the other hand, are usually skills and abilities that must be acquired in order to achieve career goals.
Setting career goals and objectives, according to most job coaches and employment counselors, is an important part of maximizing one’s potential. Salespeople, for example, say that setting goals on a regular basis is critical to their success and that they would stagnate if they didn’t. Even if the overarching goal is to find a better job, anyone in any job can set career goals and objectives.
Setting serious career goals and objectives assists people in concentrating their work activities. Goals should be practical, objectively measurable, and attainable in general. For example, “By my 30th birthday, I want to start my own company and achieve annual sales of $500,000 US Dollars (USD),” is a great career goal because it’s measurable. However, some hazy or ill-defined objectives are acceptable. It’s also a great career goal to be so happy with one’s job that it’s more than just a way to make money.
Some career goals, such as having a certain amount of saved money when you retire, may be very long-term. Along the way, there should be some shorter-term objectives. However, goals should not be set in stone. In such cases, existing goals should not be a hindrance. Innovation and opportunity may occur in the middle of one’s career, providing justification for major changes — even changing careers entirely.
While important, career objectives do not compare to career goals. Many people want to be good leaders, but it’s not a result that one would strive for above all others — it’s not a career goal. Career objectives can be viewed as stepping stones to achieving career goals. As a result, when setting career goals and objectives, it’s important to identify the overall goal as well as a few specific objectives that must be met in order to achieve that goal.
It’s important to remember that goals and objectives shouldn’t be so simple that they don’t require much effort to achieve. Despite the fact that objectives are easier to achieve than goals, they should not be taken for granted. Many professionals hold professional designations such as real estate broker, Professional in Human Resources (PHR®), or Chartered Life Underwriter (CLU®) that recognize exceptional competence. Most people list obtaining these types of titles as one of their career goals; while these goals are attainable, they aren’t easy.
It’s frustrating and disheartening when you don’t meet your career goals and objectives on time, or at all. It’s easy to get caught up in such failures and exaggerate their significance. This can have a significant negative impact on one’s performance, particularly in the short run. A more productive approach is to assess failed goals and objectives, figure out why they weren’t met, and then either reschedule them or set new goals and objectives right away and get to work on them.
Occasionally, career goals and objectives will be met ahead of schedule. This is a great sign that your career is going well and should be celebrated, but it should not be used as an excuse to relax and stop trying. Instead, once they’ve been met ahead of schedule, it’s time to set new goals or objectives to keep pushing forward.