What Does a Communications Manager Do?

A communications manager’s job is to make sure that businesses and organizations effectively communicate information in promotions to potential clients, customers, and even the general public. This individual may also be in charge of communicating critical information within a company or organization. Although job responsibilities vary by organization, these professionals are typically involved in public relations and the development of various communication and promotional strategies.

In order to promote the organization’s mission, services, or products, many businesses and organizations rely heavily on public relations work. This can be accomplished by a communications manager overseeing the creation of literature, press releases, or articles for publication that clearly address or promote an organization’s concerns or goals. He may be responsible for writing this literature himself, or he may manage a team of writers and editors, depending on his organization’s staffing. He must also build a strong network of media contacts who can help disseminate the message of his organization.

A communications manager may be called upon to address communications issues within an organization in addition to facilitating communication outside of it. Very large organizations, for example, may have trouble managing interdepartmental communications or accurately informing employees of industry news, staffing, and policy changes. It will be up to the communications manager to figure out how to communicate this type of critical information to employees in an effective and accurate manner.

Communications managers may be asked to collaborate with specific departments within a company to help them develop effective communication and public relations strategies. For example, a communications manager may be hired by a charity’s fundraising department to assist in the development of press releases that are then distributed to media outlets that cater to philanthropists. An education or outreach department, on the other hand, may want to collaborate with the communications manager to create informative websites or literature that either promotes the organization’s cause or educates the public about a particular aspect of its mission.

While still in school, aspiring communications managers should concentrate on honing their writing and communication skills. Organizations may require a communications manager to have a graduate degree in public relations or communications in some cases. In many cases, a good-quality, structured internship can provide some of the best training for a career in communications management. Finally, public relations and communications professionals should work hard to expand their professional networks, as these connections are often critical to the success of their public relations campaigns.