How do I Become an Art Consultant?

A professional who advises individuals and businesses on the purchase of works of art is known as an art consultant. A specialist in this field might assist a restaurant in purchasing decorative art for a dining room, provide advice to an investor interested in investing in art, or work with organizations that want to commission new works. Earning a degree or gaining valuable experience in the art world can help you become an art consultant. It’s also a good idea to network with established professionals and look for a firm or gallery to work for.

While no certifications or degrees are required to work as an art consultant, many professionals in the field have academic backgrounds in the field. Enrolling in an art history program could be a good first step toward becoming an art consultant. These courses will teach you about various art movements and schools, as well as how to evaluate various types of art, such as painting, sculpture, and video art.

Another way to become an art consultant is to gain valuable experience. Many professionals begin their careers in galleries. They might assist with show setup and administrative tasks like data entry and communication with artists and clients. A large part of an art consultant’s job is to manage the financial aspects of art. As a result, getting hands-on experience with how works of art are purchased and sold can be beneficial training as well as make you a more desirable employee in the future.

Moving up in the art world, like most industries, is often a matter of meeting the right people. Forming business relationships with dealers, collectors, and artists, in other words, is an excellent way to become an art consultant. People will be more likely to recommend you for positions and write letters of recommendation if you develop a good reputation in the industry and have a positive working experience.

While many art consultants work as independent contractors, working for a firm, gallery, or museum is a good way to get started. Individual art consultants are required by each of these organizations to assist them in pricing and selecting works of art. You’ll be more likely to fill positions with higher profiles if you have more experience in this field. Independent contractors frequently have years of experience working for organizations, demonstrating that they are skilled and knowledgeable art consultants.