A special effects artist creates realistic and imaginative scenes for theater, television, movies, and the Internet, among other mediums. Makeup, computer graphics, trick camera work, and mechanics are just a few of the broad categories that special effects jobs fall into.
In most mediums, makeup special effects artists are required in productions and other projects. Special effects makeup is used to hide actors’ flaws with high-definition filming techniques and higher-resolution digital cameras, and theater productions rely on these types of artists to portray the actors’ facial expressions to a distant audience using makeup and lighting. Prosthetics can also be used in special effects makeup, also known as FX makeup. Blood and gore makeup, fantasy makeup, and airbrushing techniques are all options for artists. In a time-consuming and intricate process, some special effects artists work with plaster casting and other materials.
A different type of special effects artist, or visual effects artist, is typically required for complex computer graphics. The majority of these artists work on projects in film, animation, television, and video games. To provide special effects illustrations for a production, these artists usually work as part of a larger team that includes writers, makeup artists, Web designers, camera operators, and programmers. They can use a variety of software to bring fantasy to life on the screen, including 3D animation, design programs, and specialized computer programs.
Trick camera work, another type of job for a special effects artist, can also be used to create visual effects. To have motion control over the filming, this type of special effects usually uses robotic camera systems. In order to create the desired frame, the artist can manipulate the camera, film, actors, and computer graphics.
On set, special effects artists are sometimes in charge of the mechanical effects. The job usually entails adding elements to a live action scene such as water, wind, fog, or smoke, as well as creating illusions such as an actor flying through the air or a ship rolling on the sea. These artists are known for having a diverse set of fabrication skills.
There are numerous ways to pursue a career as a special effects artist. Film production, media and visual communication, 3D animation, and graphic design are all common backgrounds in this field. To gain experience, some makeup artists start with pro bono work or internships. Many people, regardless of their educational background, must begin their careers as production assistants and work their way up through professional connections and relationships.