What is a Histologist?

A histologist is a scientist who studies the anatomy and physiology of biological tissue samples in the laboratory. Most histologists work in clinical settings to detect disease and other abnormalities in human tissue, such as hospital labs. Other scientists use samples to conduct empirical scientific research on genetics, cellular replication, and evolutionary history. Histologists are experts in a wide range of tissue types, and they use specialized laboratory techniques to accurately identify and record relevant findings.

In their work, histologists use a variety of sophisticated laboratory equipment. In both clinical and research labs, microscopes and other precision imaging technology tools are frequently used. A professional uses specialized dyes to stain specific types of cells so that they can be identified under a microscope. Histologists use laboratory equipment to count, cut, and separate cells and their constituents. Gels are used by geneticists to separate DNA strands and isolate proteins from cell samples.

Histologists in clinical labs examine tissue samples provided by doctors for signs of disease. A histologist examines a sample for common pathogens and cancers before entering data into standard forms. During biopsies or autopsies, he or she may look for traces of toxins, illegal drugs, or radiation. Doctors are informed of the findings so that they can make accurate diagnoses and determine the best treatment options for specific conditions.

In a scientific research laboratory, a histologist might study living tissue from animals or plants. Researchers conduct research for a variety of reasons. A professional may want to learn more about how a particular organism develops or which genes are expressed in the DNA of a specimen. Researchers are also looking into the physiology of stem cells to see how they change over time to form various types of body tissue. Furthermore, some researchers concentrate their efforts on the development of drugs to treat genetic diseases, cancer, and viruses.

To become a histologist, you’ll need a variety of education and training. New employees with bachelor’s degrees in life science or medical technology will be hired in most clinical laboratories. Technicians start their careers as assistants to experienced histologists, setting up experiments, collecting and storing samples, and entering data into electronic files. Leading operations at a clinical lab often necessitates a master’s degree and national licensure.

A Ph.D. in histology, microbiology, genetics, or organic chemistry is typically required for work as a histologist in an independent research lab. A new scientist can work as an assistant or associate researcher at a university, private lab, or biotechnology firm after earning a degree. With experience in the field, a histologist is gradually given more responsibilities, and eventually has the opportunity to organize and direct independent research studies.