What does a Cardiology Technologist do?

Cardiology technologists assist doctors in the diagnosis and treatment of heart and blood vessel problems. They usually work in hospitals or doctors’ offices in cardiology departments. A cardiology technologist usually holds an associate’s degree after completing a two-year medical program. A person who wants to work as a cardiology technologist must be dependable, mild-mannered, a good communicator, and able to easily follow complex instructions. These characteristics will put patients at ease and allow the technologist to complete the job as quickly and efficiently as possible.

An invasive cardiology technologist is a healthcare professional who performs procedures that require insertions into a patient’s body. The technologist inserts a catheter tube through the patient’s body, from the artery to the groin to the heart, during invasive surgery. This is used to see if any blood vessels are blocked, as blood delivery to the heart requires a clear path. The invasive cardiology technologist must also prepare the patient prior to surgery, which may include positioning him or her on the operating table and numbing the area where the catheter will be inserted. The technologist must monitor the patient’s heart rate and blood pressure throughout the procedure.

A balloon angioplasty can be used to unblock a patient’s blood vessels or heart valves if a catheterization reveals that these vital parts are blocked. A cardiology technologist works with a physician to insert another catheter into the patient, but this one has a balloon on the end. The balloon locates the source of the obstruction and removes it. Another option is an electrophysiology test, which finds irregular electrical impulses within the patent’s heart tissue and pinpoints the location where blocking occurs.

Noninvasive procedures such as an electrocardiogram can also be performed by cardiology technologists (EKG). The cardiology technologist places electrodes on the patient’s arms, legs, and chest during an EKG. The technologist then activates the EKG machine, which tells the electrodes to pick up heart signals. The EKG machine monitors and records the patterns of the patient’s heartbeats.

Although cardiology technologists are not licensed to perform open-heart surgeries, they can help patients prepare for them and assist the doctor during the procedure. Scheduling appointments, performing ultrasounds, reviewing doctors’ paperwork, sifting through patient files, setting up and cleaning equipment, and explaining test procedures are some of the other responsibilities of the technologist. Cardiology technologists spend a lot of time on their feet, and dealing with certain medical equipment may necessitate heavy lifting. A hazard of the job is the possibility of radiation exposure. A cardiology technologist typically works 40 hours per week, with the possibility of being on call during off hours.