Licensed practical nurses (LPNs) and registered nurses (RNs), depending on the country or region in which they work, have a variety of educational, vocational, background, and licensing qualifications. Nurses typically have advanced degrees, with the majority of registered nurses having completed a four-year program in addition to vocational training. In the United States, you must pass a background check and a licensing exam. Foreign-trained professionals interested in obtaining nursing credentials in the United States will need to obtain additional certifications.
A one-year certificate program with basic education courses is usually required for an LPN’s educational qualification. RNs usually have a four-year degree from an accredited institution, with a liberal arts, nursing care, and health science course load. A registered nurse can supervise vocational or practical nurses due to the difference in nursing qualifications.
A period of vocational training at a hospital or clinic is required for most registered nurses. These technical courses are completed while the nursing student is still enrolled in school, typically near the end of his or her studies. Nurses who want to advance their education will need to take a series of vocational training courses.
Medical professionals are frequently required to have no serious felonies or misdemeanors on their record. Before a nurse is allowed to practice medicine, they must typically pass a series of extensive background checks. Employers and institutions can benefit from a thorough background check.
To sit for licensing exams, prospective nurses must meet certain educational, vocational, and background requirements. Some nurses will be required to take follow-up exams every two years to ensure their medical competency. The National Council of State Boards of Nursing in the United States offers different licensing options for LPNs and RNs. The National Council Licensure Examination-Practical Nurse and the National Council Licensure Examination-Registered Nurse are computer-based tests that cover a wide range of medical topics. The questions on patient management and delegation are more difficult on tests for registered nurses.
Foreign nurses who wish to work in the United States must pass a separate licensing exam administered by the Commission on Graduates of Foreign Nursing Schools. This test is accepted all over the world. Prospective students who pass this test demonstrate English language proficiency as well as nursing qualifications that are in line with US standards.