To work as an asbestos contractor in the United States, you must first obtain contractor certification. After you’ve obtained the necessary insurance and certification to work as a contractor, you’ll need to fill out a special application to work as an asbestos contractor. A worker’s compensation insurance policy is usually required as part of the application. There may be additional requirements to become an asbestos contractor, depending on the state. The majority of states in the US require asbestos contractors to be accredited in some way.
There are a variety of additional requirements to become an accredited asbestos contractor. Applicants in some states are required to take government-sponsored asbestos removal training courses. For example, the state of Michigan mandates that all workers be trained in asbestos removal in a course approved by the EPA and the state of Michigan. A state agency’s certification is required in some states. Other states simply require applicants to complete forms certifying that they know how to safely remove asbestos.
The requirements for asbestos certification are similar for any company. The company must show that all employees are or will be certified under the state’s specific laws. Many states, including Michigan and Louisiana, require that one person be appointed as the asbestos removal project supervisor. On most applications, that person must be identified.
Small asbestos removal projects, such as removing asbestos material from pipes under 10 feet (3 meters), may not necessitate the use of a licensed asbestos removal contractor. However, a certified asbestos professional is required for the vast majority of large projects. Asbestos ceilings and asbestos tiles, in particular, can be extremely dangerous to remove. It is illegal in many states to attempt these projects unless you are a licensed asbestos contractor.
There is usually a fee associated with filing an application to become an asbestos contractor in the United States. Applications must be renewed on a regular basis, usually once a year. When renewing their applications, asbestos abatement professionals may be required to take refresher courses each year. The courses are intended to reduce the risk of asbestos exposure while emphasizing safety for both the contractor and the general public.
In Europe, there are a variety of requirements. To work as an asbestos contractor in the United Kingdom, for example, no special license is required. Asbestos removal contractors must simply obtain adequate training in asbestos removal safety. Adequate asbestos training entails learning about the dangers of asbestos exposure, including the risk of asbestosis and mesothelioma, as well as taking precautions to avoid asbestos exposure.