A geoscientist studies the various processes and phenomena that occur on and inside the earth through extensive field and laboratory research. He or she may specialize in a variety of geology and geophysics fields. A geoscientist might study the geologic nature of volcanoes, glaciers, oceans, and other unique physical features, or examine rocks, sediments, or fossils from a specific area. Many professionals conduct extensive research on the earth’s natural forces and processes. Universities, private research labs, petroleum companies, engineering firms, government agencies, and nonprofit environmental organizations all employ geoscientists.
Research Geoscientists typically spend a lot of time in the field, taking notes and collecting mineral and sediment samples for laboratory analysis. Geophysicists use specialized field equipment to forecast and measure the amount of magnetism or seismic activity in a given area. Experts in geochemistry examine the chemical composition of rock samples to determine the presence of specific elements or pollutants. Stratigraphers are scientists who study rock layers to determine the earth’s age, structure, and changes. Paleontologists collect and study fossil remains, which reveal information about evolution and the past environment of the earth.
A geoscientist may be in charge of surveying land or seabeds in order to determine their structure and content. Potential building sites, for example, are surveyed by engineering geologists to ensure their stability. Petroleum geologists are attempting to pinpoint the location of crude oil reserves in order to drill for them in the future. Oceanographers study the causes and effects of ocean tides, sediment deposits, and seafloor spreading.
Many experts work for government and nonprofit organizations, promoting conservation and education initiatives. A geoscientist might study the effects of global warming, weatherization, and human activity on a particular region and work to prevent further harm. He or she could participate in cleanup efforts, give speeches and seminars about the importance of conservation, or write articles and books about it.
A master’s degree is typically required for becoming a geoscientist in any specialty. Many employers prefer to hire geologists and geophysicists who have earned doctorates in specific subfields of geology or geophysics. After graduation, the majority of new scientists take up fellowships to gain firsthand experience with various research techniques while working alongside experienced professionals. A scientist may be allowed to conduct independent research after a period of one to two years. If geoscientists work in engineering or architectural geology, some states, countries, and employers require them to pass licensing exams.